Monday 12 August 2019

6 Crimes of Generation X.

1. The First Crime of Generation X:

The first crime of Generation X was to declare themselves Bad.

Bad is good.  I'm no angel.  Sex is bad so bad is good.
Bad boys, bad girls, delinquents.

All theses things are Bad.

2.  The Second Crime of Generation X:

The second crime of Generation X was to blame and shame the Hippies and Baby-Boomers.

By adopting Ronald Reagan's smear of the Baby-Boomers Generation X blamed everything from economic recessions to moral looseness on the previous generation in order to jump the job queue and establish social supremacy.

3.  The Third Crime of Generation X:

The third crime of Generation X was to turn to evil in order to win.

Supporting the devil, even flattering him was a constant practice of Generation X.

Dancing with the devil, taking the devil's advice, everyone wants the dark side.....

These were constant refrains of Generation X.

4. The Fourth Crime of Generation X:

The fourth crime of Generation X was to cynically support the Religious Right as a method of whitewashing their crimes.

The Religious Right supported their materialism and turned a blind eye to their bad behavoir and their spiritual duplicity.

5.  The Fifth Crime of Generation X:

The fifth crime of Generation X was to oppose the unions.

By refusing to pay union fees Generation X caused the loss of wages, conditions, job security, and dignity for everyone.

The hard-fought gains that the unions had made were frittered away and lost forever.

6.  The Sixth Crime of Generation X:

The sixth crime of Generation X was to use violence - verbal, emotional, psychic, and spiritual - to intimidate and bash any opposition to their views.

These and many more entrenched crimes marked the era of a selfish and stupid generation.

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