Monday 30 November 2020

A Merciless Storm.

Generation X unleashed a merciless storm of hatred and evil against the Baby-Boomers.

But this was justified by right-wing Christians inspired by Ronald Reagan.

So they thought their evil was good.

But evil and hate are not good.

Neither are they God.

So when the Light comes from God their evil will be exposed for what it is.

And we will see that they have turned to the devil and to darkness.

Hate is the dark side.

And the reliance of the Right on hate is a reliance on evil.

So pray to God that they turn from evil and hate and return to God who is goodness and love.

Photo Credit: Henri.Galimberti Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday 29 November 2020


Rock bands and musicians who are pseudo-religious are likely to be secretly Satanic.

Rock stars and celebrities who present themselves as religious but create contradictory material are not the real thing.

Satanism in rock music and entertainment has been common since the 1960s.

They present themselves as saviors and messiahs but they are false prophets, magicians in the ilk of Simon Magus.  

So don't be fooled by a pseudo-religious facade.

Rock music is Satanic.

Photo Credit: The Quint.

Saturday 28 November 2020


God touches our hearts.

And God's message is all about love.

When we love someone we wish them well.

We bless them.

And this blessing is at the heart of love.

Holiness is a refinement of this blessing.

So rather than being a rarefied spiritual state holiness is the most refined state of love.

Photo Credit: Adam Lai Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday 27 November 2020


Love comes from God.

Some say:

God is Love.

So we should be centered in our hearts.

Love is the Water of Life.

Love is the essential ingredient.

Love is the Universal Panacea.

And love is the basis of our relationship with God.

So put aside your fears.

And open your hearts.

Love is the path to enlightenment and salvation.

Photo Credit: Phuketian.S Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday 26 November 2020

The Living Planet.

Earth is the Living Planet.

The skies and the forests and the seas are teeming with life.

Plants and trees grow, we know not how.

Animals, birds, fish, and humans reproduce and multiply.

Insects fertilize flowers.

Food abounds.

Water rains down from the skies. 

Great rivers flow through the land.

Everywhere there is animation and life.

And we are part of this life.

The life that comes from God.

Photo Credit: Christopher Combe Photography Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday 25 November 2020

A New World.

We are now entering a new world that has a global culture.

We are now responsible for everyone.

The promotion of dialogue, tolerance, and peace is essential in this world.

I pray for everyone to embrace this new initiative towards global peace and prosperity for all.

Photo Credit: paulchapmanphotos Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Monday 23 November 2020


With the victory of Joe Biden in the U.S. Presidential election a sense of sanity has prevailed.

The insanity fed by Fox News and Evangelical Christian leaders has settled down.

A sense of reality is appearing.

Joe Biden has suggested a more even-handed approach to government that addresses the concerns of both sides of politics.

And this is in harmony with religion.

God does not favor one over another.

We are all equal before God.

And this equality is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

So do not be afraid to allow the other side of politics to express themselves.

We must listen to their genuine concerns but not pander to their irrational fears.

And work towards a constructive peace.

Photo Credit: aha42 | tehaha Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Sunday 22 November 2020

Don't Take Revenge.

Now that the Democrats have won the U.S. election we must reject the temptation to take revenge.

Power brings with it temptation.
And it is this temptation we must avoid.

In the long run Democrats and Republicans are equal.

No one should be disenfranchised.

This is the practice of God.

And, to his credit, this is the approach that Joe Biden has suggested.

So live and let live.

Speak out and listen.

We are all equal.

We are all One.

Photo Credit: andres.thor Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday 21 November 2020


The practices referred to in St. Paul's letters are not what we currently refer to as homosexuality.

St. Paul was talking about such things as temple prostitution.

And he asserted that such people were born heterosexual but behaved perversely.

This is not our modern understanding of homosexuality.

Most homosexual people will assert that they were born with a same-sex attraction.

It was not acquired.

Neither was it a choice.

It is how we are made.

And God made us.

So don't tell me that the Bible proves that God hates gays.

The Bible proves nothing.

God loves gays as He loves all His children.

And same-sex attraction is love.   

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday 20 November 2020

Love is Love.

Homosexuality is love.

And as such it is in harmony with God.

"God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them."  1 John 4:16 (NRSV)

So do not refer to Old Testament prohibitions.

Many of these are superfluous.

They do not apply to 21st Century Christians.

Their understanding of same-sex attraction is not our modern understanding.

Homosexuality is not immorality.
Homosexuality is love.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Catherine Coden Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday 19 November 2020

The Kingdom of God.

The more people accept the One Living God which is Love as King over them the more the Kingdom of God will manifest on Earth.

If we reject the ways of the world which are: materialism, acquisitiveness, self-serving, toughness, callousness, ego, evil, and hate.....and accept the ways of God which are: mercy, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, generosity, charity, humility, goodness, and love.....the more the world will change for the better.

Because the corporate plutocrats are not the greatest power on Earth.

The greatest power on Earth is the Love of the One Living God who is the Creator of the universe.

Photo Credit: Ben Amstutz Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday 18 November 2020


Many people think that Altruism is the meaning of life.

Altruism is the philosophy of putting others before yourself.

But a misplaced sense of obligation inspired by fear can result in resentment and bitterness.

It can create bad-tempered, nasty people.

Better by far to preach love of your neighbor.

Love automatically puts others before ourselves.

Love inspires compassion and sacrifice.

Love is its own reward.
Loving people are happy and content.

And those who love God experience joy and peace.

So it is love that is the meaning of life.

Photo Credit: Jeanne Menjoulet Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday 17 November 2020


Many people are saying that they don't want things to return to how they were before COVID-19.

People want change.

But how will we bring about this change?

People are dissatisfied with the rule of Corporate Capitalism.

The sacrifice of everything to the god of money suits only the few.

Young people have no job security, no overtime, no sick leave or holiday pay, sometimes even no wages.....

The casualization of the workforce is a disaster.

We must elect leaders who will govern for everyone not just big money.

This is the change that people want.

It's up to us to vote for it.      

Photo Credit: Sarah Ross photography Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday 16 November 2020


The traditional Church image of God as a punisher and judge of human beings is wrong.

God does not punish us.

God does not judge us.

God loves us as a father loves his children.

He does not expect us to be perfect.

It is inevitable that we will make mistakes.

God will forgive us.

God forgives even the most heinous sinners.

No one will perish.

So there can be no hell.

God is beyond our concepts of sin and evil.

God is beautiful.

God is sublime.

God is all good.

God is all Life.

God is all Light.

God is all Love.

Photo Credit: afagen Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday 15 November 2020


The idea that sex is bad and the domain of the devil has caused untold damage in our world.

If we think that sex is bad and of the devil then that makes bad good and evil desirable.

This idea has caused a rash of defections to the dark side.

If God will not allow sex then his opposite the devil will.

This is what motivated rock bands from the 1960s onwards to sell their souls and betray whole generations of youth.

Generation X said: "The devil has everything you want."

They hate the Church because it bans sex.

And they hate God because He told them to.

Or so they think.

In truth God is not anti-sex.

God invented sex after all.

So the idea that God doesn't want us to express our sexuality is nonsense.

And this applies to homosexuality as well.

So whenever someone associates sex with evil or the devil we should contradict them.

And the Church should change its teachings on sex and homosexuality.

Photo Credit: hijodejuliete Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Saturday 14 November 2020


Since the rise of Generation X we have seen the flames of hell and the horns of Satan associated with sex.

This unconscious programming is quite deliberate.

It is perpetrated by Satanists in the media and music industries.

And it is intended to make the devil desirable.

By associating these things with sex Satanism becomes the preferred religion of the unaware.

Hence they have their caps on backwards.

They will even make the sign of the devil.

Do they even realize what they are doing?

They want you in hell.

So be aware.

There are Satanists out there.

Photo Credit: ToniProductions Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified,)

Friday 13 November 2020

Conflict Resolution.

God is in the business of conflict resolution.

God loves all His children.

He does not adjudicate but puts disputing parties together to work through their differences.

That is not to say that God condones violent or abusive behavior; He does not adopt a retributive approach, however, but always a restorative approach.

Major conflicts in our world include: gays and religious conservatives, Liberals and Conservatives, religious and atheist, religious and Satanist, Socialist and Capitalist, Patriarchal and Feminist.....

These conflicts can only be resolved through dialogue.

God condemns no one.

No one will perish.

So we should initiate conflict resolution at once.

Photo Credit: Office of Governor Baker Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday 12 November 2020

Reagan's Lies.

Ronald Reagan had Mercury opposite Neptune in his horoscope.

This is the aspect of a liar.

And before you say that we don't believe in astrology let me remind you that Ronald Reagan himself used astrology.

So whether deliberately or otherwise, Ronald Reagan's words were lies.

He labelled the Hippies "unconscious agents of the devil".

He labelled their ethics "politically correct".

He labelled the Soviet Union "The Evil Empire".

These are lies cynically propagated for his political purpose.

He demonized the Left and smeared J.F.K..

He used the Pope and the Religious Right.

And he sided with Satan in Generation X.

These are the lies of Ronald Reagan.

History will tell what we make of him in the end.

Photo Credit: The Daily Telegraph.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

A Timely Warning.

Now that the US Election is beyond doubt it is time to issue a word of warning.

The wave of hope and optimism that has engulfed us must not be surrendered to rock stars and celebrities of dubious virtue.

The victory that we have achieved is not political but spiritual in nature.

A return to truth, empathy, fairness, and decency is a return to good and a return to God.

We cannot afford to hand it over to those whose motives are questionable.

Many rock stars and celebrities practise black magic and Satanism.

They sabotage our spirituality and they betray our ideals.

So be aware.

And be warned!  

Photo Credit: CrisVida Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Sunday 8 November 2020


With the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris there is a wave of new hope in the world.

Gone are the politics of division and provocation.

Gone is the rhetoric of demonization.

Gone is the agitation of rebellion and violence.

Gone is the chaos.

Gone are the lies.

In their place there is calm.

In their place there is reason.

In their place there is cooperation.

In their place there is order.

In their place there is truth.

But most of all:
In their place there is hope.

Photo Credit: Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Money for Nothing.

The bad news is that our sporting heroes are heavily into Satanism.

Satanism is physical - "this body of death."  Romans 7:24 (NRSV)

And sports men and women believe that the devil is magic.

But the main reasons are money and sex.

"Money for nothing, and your chicks for free." 

They ally themselves with rock stars and lead us astray.

They distract us and addict us.

Our obsession with sports is no coincidence.

It is quite deliberately induced.

And it is deliberately used to brainwash us.

So don't put your faith in sporting heroes.

Most likely they are evil and want your soul in hell. 

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]
Photo Credit: Az Skies Photography Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday 6 November 2020


The puppeteers in Japanese Bunraku theater wear black.

Like ninja in the night they are invisible. 

Photo Credit: The Maneater.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Fallacious Philosophy.

Despite the fact that Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians claim sanctity by painting their political enemies as agents of Satan their own socio-political philosophy is mired is darkness.

Many preach Prosperity Theology which claims that God blesses wealth and success.

But what could be more worldly than that?

Most preach that God is vengeful and judging.

And they claim that hate is a Biblical imperative.

But violence and hate are aspects of the dark side.

They are not part of God at all.

God is transcendent - beyond our human concepts of sin and evil.

God is Love.

And God is wholly good.

So beware of Christians who preach violence and hate.

Their words are poison and their philosophy is darkness. 

Photo Credit: haphopper Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday 4 November 2020

John Shelby Spong.

I joined a group on Facebook called Fans of John Shelby Spong.

I was impressed with the variety and quality of the videos presented.

Although Spong does not present a developed vision of Progressive Christianity his work on the Bible in particular is the starting point for all who choose to take this journey.

Spong will be remembered as the Founding Father of Progressive Christianity or the new approach to religion by whatever name it comes to be known.

His work on the compilation and context of the Bible and his perspective in relation to outdated worldviews is essential to the survival of religion in the 21st Century.

I am proud to say that I am a fan of John Shelby Spong. 

Photo Credit: Scott Griessel Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday 3 November 2020


Fear erects walls around us.

We shut ourselves in a prison of our own making.

We cut ourselves off from others.

And we become alienated and cynical.

Fear tells us we must be tough and hard to survive in this world.

We harden our hearts.

And we become callous and cruel.

Fear tells us we must retaliate against anyone who threatens us.

So we react with violence and war.

Fear tells us we must preserve ourselves against challengers.

And we dominate and oppress others.

Give up your fear.

Trust God.

Open your heart.

And give love. 

Photo Credit: access.denied Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday 2 November 2020


When we go to school, or even before, we learn to protect ourselves from threats in the outside world.

We bury our real selves, our souls, deep beneath a pile of defenses.

We become a fortress.

The outward appearance of this fortress may be: amiable, friendly, threatening, bad tempered, extroverted, timid, or bold.

But the fact remains: it is a facade.

Our real selves are buried deep within us.

We lose contact with our own souls.

And our dream of love is lost.

What God can do is reconnect us with our souls.

By allaying our fears God frees us from our prison, our fortress, and reconciles us with others.

This is what good religion can do.

Bad religion, on the other hand, increases our fears and separates us further from our souls.

But you have nothing to fear from God.

God will not punish you or judge you.

God will show mercy and forgive our mistakes.

God will love you.

So fear not.

This is Good News. 

Photo Credit: autumnal fires Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday 1 November 2020

The Gospel of Love.

The Gospel of John is known as the most spiritual of the Gospels.

It is the Gospel of Love.

In John we find a contrast between the ways of the world - which are evil - and the ways of God - which are good.

This is further contrasted as darkness and light.

But the primary insight in the Gospel of John is that the ways of God are the ways of Love.

Jesus aligns himself with God by asserting his love.

"'This is my commandment, that you love on another as I have loved you.'"  John 15:12 (NRSV)

And this is further emphasized in the letter of John.

"God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them." 1 John 4:16 (NRSV)

So do not follow the idols of this world.

But align yourself with God.

And this is to love one another.   

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: bookgrl Flickr via Compfight cc