Monday 10 September 2018

More Than You Think.

When I was young there would occasionally appear in the Sunday Press an article about Satanism.

This appeared to be a small fringe phenomenon which practised bloody and salacious rituals.

It was the stuff of sensational journalism.

But later in life I began to realize that Satanism was more wide-spread than I had thought.

Many rock bands and sports stars, movie stars and directors, even authors have sold their souls for fame and fortune and the perfection of their art.

This goes back a long way in history but it is since the 1960s that the mass media has enabled these celebrities to spread their evil to all humanity.

But they are cleverly disguised as the heroes and saviors and icons of our popular culture.

They are Divas and Dogs (Gods backwards).

So don't just take everything at face value.

There is more Satanism in our world than you think. 

Photo Credit: acase1968 Flickr via Compfight cc

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