Tuesday 7 April 2020


The Millennials are the most politically aware generation since the Baby-Boomers.

Their commitment to gun control and climate change action is exemplary.

And their courage and integrity sets them apart from a population which is apathetic and confused.

Their action is also in harmony with the Will of God for humanity.

Because God is non-violent and caring in nature.

It is His Will that there be peace on Earth and goodwill between the nations.

It is also His Will that we care for our environment.

The Biblical witness attests to the fact that we are custodians of the environment.

We are not put on Earth to rape and plunder nature.

We are to care for nature like our Mother.

The Millennials are also the biggest victims of the workplace changes brought about by Generation X.

Casual jobs, no overtime or penalty rates, no sick leave or holiday pay, no job security, low wages, work for the dole, exploitation etc..

A renewed commitment to unions is the only answer for a workforce that has no power.

So the Millennials deserve our support.

Their actions will change the world.

Photo Credit: midianinja Flickr via Compfight cc

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