Monday 13 April 2020


With the advent of the Coronavirus everyone is hoping that their enemies get the virus and die.

This is the origin of people claiming that the disease is punishment for homosexuality or Chinese Communism.

But we also hope that our enemies die.

When Peter Dutton and Boris Johnson contracted the virus many rejoiced.

Unconsciously we thought this proved God's condemnation of their right-wing views.

But at the root of this murderous hope is fear.

Fear of their right-wing agenda.

But their agenda is no different from ours.

We both are trying to establish God's reign on Earth.

So fear is the problem.

Fear of God's punishment.

Unconscious fear of condemnation drives many to murderous thoughts.

We think that if only we can kill the enemies of God all will be well.

But this is not the way.

And this is why Jesus said to love your enemies.

Because it is fear of God that drives them.

So we should pray for our enemies.

That they overcome their fear of God's condemnation.

And rejoice in the Love of God. 

Photo Credit: scrappy annie Flickr via Compfight cc

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