Tuesday 5 April 2022

The Hypocrites.

In my experience many people who go to church say the words and sing the hymns but do not make any attempt to understand the meaning of what they are saying.

It goes in one ear and out the other.

As does the sermon.

This was what people did in the 1950s.

They recited the Creeds by rote but did not ascribe any meaning to them.

Whether they did this out of fear or ignorance I don't know.

This is what Jesus called lip-service.

But why do they go to church at all?

Is it out of fear?

Fear of hell?

Or is it to be good?

Or rather to think of yourself as good without actually doing anything.

To hide a multitude of sins.

Then you are free to abuse and exploit people with impunity in your daily life.

Because you are so good on Sundays.

But the fact remains: they do not understand what they are saying or hearing.

But they will take the credit for the good works of the Church or any charities that might be associated with them even if they don't do it themselves.

In fact they don't want to understand because if they did it would challenge what they do in their daily lives.

And they might have to change or challenge those in authority above them.

And they are too cowardly to do that.

So they turn up on Sundays and say the words and sing the hymns and ignore the sermon and go home feeling good.

Photo Credit: scandasia.com

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