Friday 6 March 2020


I believe that schizophrenia is caused by evil.

The voices that schizophrenics hear are evil.

Therefore the remedy for schizophrenia is good.

And all good comes from God.

There are records of Jesus healing schizophrenics in the New Testament, notably Legion - "For we are many".

But schizophrenia is not demonic possession.

There are no supernatural demons or spirits.

Schizophrenia rather is to do with the collective unconscious.

This is why they hear other people's voices.

And the troublesome voices come from evil in the environment working through the collective unconscious.

I believe that covert Satanism in rock music, entertainment, and sports works specifically through the unconscious.

Practices like subliminal suggestion and backtracking in rock music affect us directly.

But listening to their music and watching their videos, movies, and T.V. shows puts us in contact with them and this is where the voices that schizophrenics hear come from.

That being said untreated schizophrenics can also suffer from paranoid hallucinations and delusions.

So it is necessary to treat schizophrenia with anti-psychotic medication.

But medication alone will not solve the problem.

We must recognize the evil in our environment and adjust our behavior accordingly.   

Photo Credit: ancasta1901 Flickr via Compfight cc

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