Friday 17 January 2020


If the Mark of the Beast is violence.

And the Seal of God is non-violence.

Then how can the Book of Revelation be true?

In the Book of Revelation a white rider arises who defeats the Beast and his followers with the sword.

And all are judged according to their works.

This is a reversion to the theology of Natural Justice.

But if God's methods are non-violent how can this be true?

Conservative forces within the collective unconscious can influence dreams and visions.

And they have modified the prophecy in the Book of Revelation to bring it in line with their theology.

God does not use violence to overcome evil.

And God does not judge us.

This is the testimony of Jesus of Nazareth.

So the Book of Revelation is not entirely true.

It may have begun as a revelation from God but it was taken over by forces in the unconscious which turned it to violence and judgement.

God's methods are non-violent.

And God does not judge us.

So the Day of Judgement will never come.

Because when God comes He is non-violent and He blesses us.

It will be a Day of Benediction.

And violence will be no more.

Photo Credit: kthtrnr Flickr via Compfight cc

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