During the 1990s it was thought that free-market economics was the answer to all human problems.
It was thought that by giving the market free reign it would create jobs and when people had more money they would be happy.
They didn't say what would happen to people who lost their jobs in downsizing. It was assumed that they would get another job from the pool of new jobs created.
This did happen to some extent.
But there was a price to pay.
Everyone had to work harder, faster, and longer.
This left people with no time for their families and left tiny children in child care.
As the drive for more and more profit went on the human cost became greater and greater.
Until it was too much to bear.
During this period the crime rate escalated.
The more unjust a society is the worse the crime rate.
Property prices soared.
But who wants to pay $1 million for a modest house?
This is the whip :
"Work harder
or lose your job."
The unemployed were punished with work for the dole and other blame schemes.
Fear increased :
"Fear will make them work harder."
"If they work harder we will make more money."
C.E.O.s were offered million dollar salaries plus bonuses to betray their fellow workers.
Unions were demonized.
Collective bargaining was sabotaged.
Work became contracted and casual.
Wages were forced down.
So the result was not what we were promised.
Corporations made huge profits.
Workers paid the price - wages and conditions were lost.
News media became propaganda.
And trust was lost.
Jesus said, "'No slave can serve two masters; far a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.'" Luke 16:13 (NRSV)
So in the end we have been deceived.
Economics is not the answer to human problems.
It serve wealth not God.
It does not serve human needs.
Only greed.
Business as usual.
Heartless and cruel.
Until we find Love.
(Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible. copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission. All rights reserved.)
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