Friday 31 May 2024


When you go to church you encounter a facade.

A shallow front of amiable friendliness.

"We are nice, caring people."

Yes.  For an hour on Sunday morning.

But what happens during the week?


They go about their business chasing worldly pleasures.

"We're off overseas."

"We're going down to our beach house."

"Did you watch the football match?"

"We'll be away visiting relatives, can you step in for us?"

Dietrich Bonhoeffer called it Cheap Grace.

Grace without any response.

They are takers, not givers.

And that is why the Church is dying.

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Thursday 30 May 2024

Bad Fruit.

When you look at the changes since 1984 we can only see bad fruit.

Horror movies, violence, union bashing, moral relativism, right-wing politics, scapegoating, materialism, Fascism, war, vice, gratuitous sex, corruption, exploitation, inequality, deceit, propaganda, and brainwashing.....

Black: death, darkness, hate, sin, and evil.

Bad fruit.

And a tree is known by its fruit.  (Matthew 12:33-37)

And so, after 40 years of darkness, we must begin to emerge into the Light.

"'But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.'"  Matthew 19:30 (NRSV)

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Tuesday 28 May 2024

Cap of Invisibility.

The Cap of Invisibility was given to Pluto by the Cyclopses.

It represent those things which are hidden by darkness.

And as the god of the underworld it includes subliminal and unconscious messages.

This is why Satanism in rock music, sports, and entertainment goes unnoticed.

But if you look beneath the surface you will see.

Backtracking, hand signals, unconscious images, secret messages, anything backwards or upside-down.....

All these things derive from Satanism.

So keep your eyes open.

And pray for the Light.

Then you will see!

Photo Credit: dreamstime.

Monday 27 May 2024


When Jesus was anointed by God he received a new revelation that was wholly benevolent and forgiving.

But the Pharisees and Priests taught judgement and punishment.

Their religion was legalistic and exclusive.

But after Christianity became the State Religion the Christian hierarchy reinstated the theology of judgement and punishment.

And so today we are faced with the same dilemma.

The revelations from God are in conflict with the teachings of His own Church.

But a closer investigation of the Old Testament reveals that the prophets were always in conflict with the religious and political leaders.

God sends His prophets to reform His Church.

So do not worry if your intuitive understanding of Jesus or God is in conflict with the Church.

Understand that it has always been so.

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Saturday 25 May 2024


"'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, 
     because he has anointed me
     to bring good news.....'"  
      Luke 4:18 (NRSV)

The Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the Gay Community.

The claims of the Fundamentalists are false.

They are based in fear.

And there is no fear in God.

God loves gay men as He loves all His Children.

There is no truth in the claims of demonic possession or evil.

There is no truth in the claims of hate or damnation.

God's Love is upon us.

And we will go to Him when we die.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Friday 24 May 2024


Gay men go to Heaven.

For "the Lord looks on the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7 (NRSV)

And as He did with David so He will do with us.

Homosexuality is love.

And love comes from the heart.

The men who died from AIDS are alive in the white house in Heaven.

They are happy and at peace.

And all the gay men persecuted and victimized by society will go there when they die.

So fear not!

All will be well.

[Scripture quotations (Marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Thursday 23 May 2024

Same-Sex Marriages.

When it comes to the issue of Same-Sex Marriage we find a curious contradiction.

Those who object most to Same-Sex Marriages are in fact in Same-Sex Marriages themselves.

By this I mean Yogis, Christian Priests, and Feminists.

Yogis and Christian Priests insist that God is Masculine.

But the relationship between the Yogi or the Priests with God is called a marriage.

So they are all in Same-Sex Marriages themselves.

And women who insist that God is Female are all in Same-Sex Marriages with their Goddess.

How ironic! 

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Wednesday 22 May 2024

The Devil.

I don't believe in the devil.

But I do believe that people who do believe in the devil are poisoning and cursing us.

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Hidden Evil.

Part of the reason that we feel powerless and confused about our life on Earth is the evil influences that are hidden in our popular culture.

Rock stars, celebrities, sports men and women, and their entourages have sold their souls in the traditional fashion for fame, fortune, and a rock star reception.

And the Satanism which is hidden in their product poisons us all.

Death, darkness, hate, sin, and evil permeate rock music, cinema, T.V., and literature.

We are brainwashed to think that the devil has dominion over sex.

The flames of hell are everywhere.

But blackness hides their evil.

So be aware!

And beware!

We are being betrayed!

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Sunday 19 May 2024

The Evenstar.

The Evenstar is the jewel that Arwen gives to Aragorn in Lord of the Rings.

It represents her undying love for him.

But because Arwen is an immortal Elf and Aragorn is human Arwen was effectively giving up her immortality.

And after Aragorn dies 120 years later Arwen dies of a broken heart.

But the immortality of the Elves is an earthly immortality.

In fact Arwen is going to be with Aragorn in Heaven!

For Love is Eternal.

And Life never ends.

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Sunday 12 May 2024

Bob Dylan.

A friend of mine is a big Bob Dylan fan.

He insists that Dylan is a good Christian man.

He told me that Dylan nearly died in a motorbike accident and converted to Christianity.

This despite the fact that the accident was in 1966 and he converted in 1978.

Apparently he is a registered Evangelical Preacher.

But when I got home I looked up some of his lyrics on the Internet.

They were confusing.

Some were good, some were dark and disturbing.

I was undecided.

Then I came across a video clip of a recent interview.

He said that his songs were magic.

The interviewer asked him why he still continued touring every year.

And Dylan said:"I made a bargain long get where I am now."

When asked with whom he said:"With the Chief Commander."

When asked:"On this Earth?"

He said:"On this Earth and the world we can't see."

You don't make bargains with God or Jesus for fame and fortune.

So I can only assume he meant a bargain with the devil.

He almost said as much.

He is black and white, good and bad, light and darkness.

His comments were ambiguous at the very least.

So his religion remains clouded in mystery.

Photo Credit: Eleven Warriors.

Friday 10 May 2024

Cover Up.

In order to cover up the fact that they are greedy, selfish people rich Christian congregations erect a facade of friendly politeness.

"We are nice, kind, spiritual people."

No one is to criticize us.

And no one is to say anything nasty. 

But what happens during the week?


They pursue their selfish interests and ignore the poor and needy.

They say the words and sing the hymns but they do nothing.

Most of them have two houses or more and go on expensive overseas trips each year.

Then they congratulate themselves on their generosity when they give a tiny percentage of their disposable income to the Church.

They are hypocrites!

Prostitutes and devil-worshippers will go into Heaven before them.

And that is why the Church is dying.

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Thursday 9 May 2024

The Consolation Prize.

Jesus spoke of a Treasure in a Field and a Pearl of Great Price. (Matthew 13:44-46)

This is the Ultimate Prize.

Traditionally this is thought to be the gift of the Holy Spirit.

But I have a different view.

On Earth we hanker after worldly rewards: money, possessions, power, status, pleasure, fame, authority.....

But I believe that this Ultimate Prize is the Consolation Prize.

If we forego all the empty prizes of the world we will find this Ultimate Treasure.

It is Love.

The treasure in our own hearts.

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Wednesday 8 May 2024

Temporal and Celestial.

The problems I have are Temporal not Celestial.

My relationship with God is good.

My prayers are answered.

And my love is requited.

But on Earth I am persecuted and victimized.

Since the AIDS crisis gay men have been used as a scapegoat for all the evils of the world.

And the Baby-Boomers have been bashed, brainwashed, and blamed for political purposes.

So my life is a waking contradiction.

But the rewards of love and the hope of Heaven far outweigh any suffering that may linger on.

I am blessed with Salvation.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Saturday 4 May 2024

The Church.

Ironically the problems of our world originate in the Church itself.

Because the Church has traditionally taught Fear not Love.

And fear begets fear.

But there are only two things in the world:

Fear and Love.

And God is Love.

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Thursday 2 May 2024

Youth Crisis.

There is a Mental Health crisis in our youth. 

Numbers of anxiety and suicide are rising.

I believe this is because the messages that kids get from the media and the Internet are materialistic, negative, and destructive.

The Internet will direct you to product advertising or dubious information sites.

Computer Games are violent, evil, and sadistic.

Sports feed you with win at all costs/work harder mantras.

Talent quests and reality TV push worldly success and money motivation.

All this on top of massive expectations and little support at school.

But children are not taught to be human.

And ethics and principles are not presented to them. 

In fact most reality TV shows actively undermine any ideals or propriety.

Evil is entertainment.

And corruption is the norm.

None of these things leads to happiness or even satisfaction.

We are addicted, obsessed, and manipulated.

What is needed is a return to the Humanities in education.

And some sort of philosophy that will lead to meaning in their lives.

The Church is no longer seen as a positive influence.

In fact the Church is viewed as suspicious, intimidating, and sinister.

And ideals are denigrated and dismissed.

So that leaves you with nothing.

There is nothing to live for.

The time has come to find a new way.

To rehumanize our youth.

Education is not just work training.

History, Philosophy, and Literature give us valuable life lessons.

And Comparative Religion broadens our outlook.

Clear Thinking gives us discrimination of the information we are presented with.

And Current Affairs encourages critical thinking.

This is one way to help our youth.

And set them on the path to meaning and happiness in their lives.

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