Generation X, under the guidance of their Godfather Ronald Reagan, reacted to the decadence of the 1970s with judgement, hate, and violence.
But in fact the 1980s were more decadent than the 70s.
Male strippers, bad, delinquents, toy boys, violence, horror, the devil, pure evil.....
All these things derive from the 1980s.
And since then: despicable, abominable, filthy, the Beast, sexting, sin, and witchcraft have ensured that our descent into darkness continues.
So the hypocritical judgement of Generation X should be seen for what it is: a whitewash of hate, violence, and evil.
Under Ronald Reagan left-wing Liberalism got the blame for the decay of society.
Right-wing political ideology was hailed as a savior.
But this merely disguised the hate, violence, and evil that it employed to achieve its goals.
Liberalism and left-wing politics became scapegoats for their evils.
In fact the decadence and corruption of our society is much worse under right-wing rule than it was under Liberalism.
So the right-wing political machine is bankrupt.
It is Fascism.
And history will record it as such.
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