In the prequel to the Lord of the Rings - The Silmarillion - J.R.R.Tolkien tells of the good god Manwe and the evil Melkor.
Melkor is said to have rejected the goodness of his creator Eru Iluvatar and embraced evil as his natural domain.
This sheds light on the psychological basis of those who choose evil and Satan over good.
Many of Generation X blame God for their suffering. They hate God and good. And a percentage of them have turned to the devil as an alternative.
Thus they practise the dark arts as their own domain.
Likewise they see the Hippie Generation as good and they know they are seeking God.
They are jealous of this good generation and feel that they can never outdo them.
And so they turn to the devil as an alternative source of power.
They call themselves Bad and attack the good.
This is the basis of the generational war.
But the result is a foregone conclusion because they know deep down that the Hippies are good.
So all their lies and malice and slander and gaslighting is in vain.
There is no devil in reality.
We have won.
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They believe in the devil and act accordingly doing evil in the world.