1. The First Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The First atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to label the whole of the Baby-Boomer Generation "unconscious agents of the devil".
This was because the rock stars which the Baby-Boomers listened to had sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune and the perfection of their art.
They practised black magic and Satanism and filled their music and videos with backtracking and unconscious images of evil.
The inference was that the devil controlled them all through rock music.
But this is not true.
The Baby-Boomers did not act in overtly evil ways.
They were the victims of Satanism in rock music.
But they were never evil.
Reagan's accusation of course was the first example of demonizing his political opponents.
2. The Second Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The second atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to shame the Baby-Boomer Generation for their opposition to the Vietnam War.
Reagan alleged that the left-leaning Baby-Boomers victimized and attacked Vietnam veterans on their return from the war.
This is not true.
I have never seen anyone of my generation attack or ridicule a Vietnam veteran.
But mud sticks.
Reagan then organized a march for Vietnam veterans to mark his point.
3. The Third Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The third atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to label the mentality of the Baby-Boomers "Politically Correct".
This was a derogatory term designed to dismiss all civil rights and social justice initiatives as somehow wrong.
This particularly played on the rebellious nature of Generation X who reacted against the Baby-Boomers' politics.
In fact what this did was undermine the conscience of our society and endorse bad, even anti-social, behavior.
4. The Fourth Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The fourth atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to rename Cape Kennedy Cape Canaveral.
This was part of Reagan's campaign against J.F.K..
Shortly afterwards stories started appearing in the press about J.F.K.'s affairs and sexual indiscretions.
Mud sticks.
This was a subtle and secret smear campaign.
5. The Fifth Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The fifth atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to call the U.S.S.R. "The Evil Empire".
This was a term from
Star Wars which he used to demonize Soviet Communism.
6. The Sixth Atrocity of Ronald Reagan:
The sixth atrocity of Ronald Reagan was to use Pope John Paul II in his political campaign against Communism.
Reagan used the Polish Pope to foment rebellion in Poland through
Solidarnos and across the whole Soviet Union.
John Paul II was an Anti-Communist Pope who justified his activities as bringing Godless Russia back into the Mother Church.
Reagan was quoted as saying: "Christianity contains unconventional weapons". These weapons were: demonization of political opponents, damning of enemies, shaming, and pointing the finger.
These and many more were the crimes of Ronald Reagan.
They were supported by the media and portrayed as victories.
But the truth will out!
Reagan's campaign against the left has resulted in a dark world full of corruption, injustice. and war.
It can be compared to the McCarthyism of the 1950s.
But it remains to be seen what history will make of Ronald Reagan.
Photo Credit:
Don Claudio, Vienna Flickr via
Compfight cc