Sunday 29 September 2024

The Circle of Life.

Our world was created as a Circle of Life.

Our environment, which includes us, is a complex cycle of living things.

Trees exhale oxygen which sustains animal life.

And animal waste fertilizes the earth and gives rise to plants and flowers.

The Sun warms the seas to create clouds which move across the land watering the plants life and creating great rivers which irrigate the land and provide water for animal life.

Great river which flow back into the seas.

But since the Industrial Revolution man has created toxic waste that cannot be recycled by Nature.

Our food contains chemicals which poison our waste and are harmful to the environment.

Industry creates gases which are not broken down by the environment and cause global warming.

The great forests of the Earth which convert carbon dioxide into oxygen are being systematically destroyed.

Our waterways and seas are being polluted with dangerous chemicals - limiting the availability of fresh water, especially to the poor.

All of this has resulted in the ongoing loss of species due to the destruction of their environment which may affect human life on this planet in the future.

And so we must reassess the effects of industrialization and bring our human activities into harmony with the world around us.

We are not free agents with no responsibilities.

We are part of a complex system of life on this planet.

And we must now begin the long road back to equilibrium.

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