Sunday 16 June 2024

You Can't Blame Them.

When I say that the parishioners at my Church spend their time chasing worldly pleasures I don't suppose you can blame them. 

Since 1984 we have been told to feed the economy.

"Don't try and save the world, just save up for a new car."

In fact we have been given no alternative.

Everything is sacrificed to the all-consuming God - The Economy.

And any attempt to challenge it is punished.

We are told to "grow up", "come down to earth", and "get real".

Our ideals are dismissed as Politically Correct. 

And our Pacifism is a disgrace.

So we buy, and watch, and follow, and consume. 

But the time has come to reverse the decline.

The economic rationalists have failed.

The world is not a better place after 40 years.

It is a good deal worse.

But we have the chance to make a more equal, more just world.

And not just live to serve the economy.

Photo Credit: ted.adventist,org

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