Sunday 30 June 2024


The concept of Hell - a fiery place below the earth - is also the result of a three-tiered worldview.

If God is in Heaven above then the devil is in Hell below.

Because there is fiery molten lava below the surface of the earth.

But there is no one in there.

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Saturday 29 June 2024


Old Testament writers had a three-tiered worldview.

God was above (the Sky God).

Humans were on the Earth.

And Sheol (the abode of the dead) was below. 

Therefore activities in the sky - like thunder and lightning - were interpreted as God's anger.
And drought - when there was no rain from the sky - was interpreted as God's punishment for sin. (Deuteronomy 11;17)(2 Chronicles 6:26,27)

This is because God dwelt in the sky.

And Sheol (the abode of the dead) was below the earth because when people died they were buried in the earth.

But these ancient understandings are manifestly untrue.

God does not dwell in the sky.

And the dead do not live below the earth.

But an understanding of the worldview of both Pagans and Old Testament writers informs our understanding of both mythology and the words and concepts of the Old Testament.

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Friday 28 June 2024

Peace and Love.

We were right in the first place.

Love is the answer.

But we were betrayed by our rock stars.

Peace and Love became sex and drugs and rock and roll.

And we descended into lives of decadence and degradation.

But Peace and Love are part of the message of the Messiah.

Jesus commandment is to Love.

And his presence is Peace.

So as we enter the Age of Aquarius we must return to the ideals of our youth without the corrupting influence of rock music.

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Tuesday 25 June 2024

The Basics.

When we speak about spiritual development we often take the basics for granted.

Basic honesty, truthfulness, generosity, charity, moderation, mercy, and compassion are often overlooked.

This is because we think that it goes without saying.

But our world no longer practises basic virtues.

Corruption, lies, selfishness, greed, excess, cruelty, violence, judgement, prurience, and vice are common, even promoted as desirable.

In the Gospels one comes before Jesus to prepare the way.

This is John the Baptist.

And when the people asked him what they must do he recommended basic honesty, truthfulness, and charity. (Luke 3:10-14)

This was to prepare the way for the full revelation of God in Jesus - which is Love.  

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Monday 24 June 2024

Their Rightful Place.

Generation X are unashamedly bad.

They are: materialistic, worldly, vicious, treacherous, prejudiced, jealous, and hateful.

But they have been artificially propped-up by corporate-owned media and right-wing politicians.

Even right-wing Evangelical Christians have white-washed their image.

But the time has come to see them as they are.

And to put them in their rightful place.

They are greedy, unrepentant, and criminal.

They are not first but last.

Go to the end of the queue.

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Thursday 20 June 2024

The Reality.

In the beginning Christianity is an intellectual proposition.

We say the words by rote and never think about the meaning.

But if we follow Jesus' instructions to love God and love our neighbor then we encounter God as a reality.

And we learn to look for the meaning in the words we say and the hymns we sing.

Thus begins a new phase in our faith.

One that is rooted in Reality.

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Tuesday 18 June 2024

Money and Sex.

Generation X believe that money and sex are the answers to everything.

And they have forced everyone to submit to their manifesto.

This has led to inequality, injustice, materialism, and misery.

Because their answers are wrong and they take them to extremes.

Some have even gone to the extreme of choosing Satan because they believe that the devil is the dispenser of riches and pleasure.

But the devil cannot save you.

Only love can save you.

And they have rejected love altogether.

But their time is up.

What will become of them?

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Monday 17 June 2024

Economic Extremism.

We are the victims of economic extremism.

We have been forced to abandon all ideals and principles to serve the economy.

This has resulted in corruption and loss of workplace wages and conditions.

We are told to "work harder" and "be available 24/7".

This has been taken to such an extreme that young people are saying that they do not want to bring children into this world.

There is no quality of life.

And there is no justice.

But economics cannot save you.

It is a secondary matter at best.

It is time to move on and redress some of the inequalities in our world.

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Sunday 16 June 2024

You Can't Blame Them.

When I say that the parishioners at my Church spend their time chasing worldly pleasures I don't suppose you can blame them. 

Since 1984 we have been told to feed the economy.

"Don't try and save the world, just save up for a new car."

In fact we have been given no alternative.

Everything is sacrificed to the all-consuming God - The Economy.

And any attempt to challenge it is punished.

We are told to "grow up", "come down to earth", and "get real".

Our ideals are dismissed as Politically Correct. 

And our Pacifism is a disgrace.

So we buy, and watch, and follow, and consume. 

But the time has come to reverse the decline.

The economic rationalists have failed.

The world is not a better place after 40 years.

It is a good deal worse.

But we have the chance to make a more equal, more just world.

And not just live to serve the economy.

Photo Credit: ted.adventist,org

Saturday 15 June 2024

Binding the Dragon.

Don't let them tempt you.

Don't let them move you.

Don't let them trick you.

Don't let them scare you.

Don't let them charm you.

Don't let them speak.

Don't let them win.

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Friday 14 June 2024

His House is Divided.

Fundamentalists insist that the rock stars of the 1960s and 1970s were left-wing Satanists.

But Generation X and the rock stars of the 1980s were right-wing Satanists.

You can't sell something and blame it at the same time.

So the devil's house is divided.

And the house that is divided must fall.

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Thursday 13 June 2024


At the heart all religions agree.

It is only in the individual details that they differ.

Each religion has its own path to God.

But the details of each path are not absolutes.

They are sign-posts pointing to a greater Reality.

So we should not get hung up on the details of our individual religions.

We should look  for the truth that is at the heart.

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Tuesday 11 June 2024

What's Sex Got To Do With It?

The energy that we experience as sexual desire in fact comes from the heart.

It is none other than love.

Deep within us our soul pours forth love towards the beloved.

If we practise sex without love, however, all we feel is emptiness and sadness.

But if we recognize that what we feel is love then we will experience great joy!

So.....what's sex got to do with it?

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Monday 10 June 2024

The Light.

When the Light comes it shows us what is hidden.

And so we see Satanism in rock music, entertainment, and sports.

This at first seems unlikely because we are used to thinking of Satanism as a fringe phenomenon.

But Satanism is widespread in our popular culture.

Signs like the horns (of the devil), poking out your tongue, wearing your cap backwards..... 

All these things point to Satanism.

They believe that the devil is magic.

And that he rewards them with wealth, fame, and sex.

But the fact remains that Satanism is a negative mentality.

It will never lead to happiness.   

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Sunday 9 June 2024

Gay Men.

Gay men have lived through the fear, hostility, and hate triggered by the AIDS crisis.

Many have experienced conversion therapy and even damnation.

But now that AIDS is virtually cured we can apply ourselves to the task of reviving gay rights.

And our top priority must be our relationship with God.

I am living proof that God does not discriminate against gay men.

Even if we are sexually active.

God loves us as His gay sons.

We have been through a great ordeal.

And we will enter Heaven when we die.

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Thursday 6 June 2024

A Force for Good.

Since 1984 the world has been plunged in darkness.

We have been surrounded by evil.

And nowhere was Good to be found.

Bad, wicked, filthy, sin, and vice have prevailed.

Exploitation and corruption have gone unpunished.

And materialism ruled.

But the time has come when we can create a force for Good.

The world is tired of negation and living backwards.

A renewed call for integrity and honesty has arisen.

And so the Good can once again be our goal.

Ethics, religion, philosophy, and spirituality are returning to our world.

And we can create a force for Good.

Photo Credit: You Tube.

Tuesday 4 June 2024


While the rich are swanning around the world on million dollar cruise ships the poor are starving.

Children are dying because of the corruption of our financial systems.

They protect the privileges of rich Western Democracies while exploiting the poverty of the Third World.

And if you question their practices they tell you that they can't divulge that information "because you are not a shareholder." 

And if enough shareholders manage to get an issue onto the AGM agenda it is always voted down.

So we are all implicated in the exploitation of the poor in our world.

Rich Christian Churches should be telling their congregations to support shareholder activism.

Maybe then we might see some change.

But they won't.

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Sunday 2 June 2024

Fear and Love.

There are only two things in the world:

Fear and Love.

The religion that is dying is based on Fear.

The religion that is being born is based on Love.

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Saturday 1 June 2024

Is Your Religion Dying or Being Born?

Are you a part of what is dying?

Or are you a part of what is being born?

The Church is dying.

The Orthodox establishment of conservative politics, moral authoritarianism, guilt, fear, and shallow respectability is dying.

But at the same time something is being born.

A progressive, non-violent, questioning, liberal, tolerant, and inclusive religion is emerging.

It is vibrant.

It is active.

And it is real.

This is the Light coming into the world.

So are you a part of what is dying?

Or are you a part of what is being born?

Photo Credit:Yelp.