Sunday, 9 March 2025

The Universal Family.

Conservative Christians are adamant that we practise family values.

But if God is our Father then everyone is our brother or sister.

We live in a Universal Family.

Photo Credit:

Friday, 7 March 2025


How do these right-wing governments get elected when the people voting for them will be badly affected by their policies?

The answer to that is propaganda.

Scapegoating techniques targeting minority groups and left-wing parties trigger hatred and fear.

And much of this is subliminal.

So if you see words running along under your pictures or mysterious frames appearing while you are watching sport - worry!

This is subliminal messaging.

It doesn't register consciously but it goes straight into your unconscious mind.

And this triggers the reactions that they want.

Be warned!

Photo Credit: Salon.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

Politics in Religion.

Fundamentalist Christians may be right about covert Satanism in rock music but they are wrong about God.

God is not judgemental, rigid, and violent.

And He is certainly not right-wing.

And Satan is not the author of Liberalism.

Nor is he a left-wing politician.

Satanism in rock music was sex and drugs and rock and roll.

Peace and love came from God and His Messiah Jesus - The Prince of Peace.

But right-wing political elements within Christianity have used their knowledge to scapegoat Baby-Boomers because they are left-wing and liberal.

Satanism in rock music is just as responsible for Fascism and evil in Generation X and their allies.

And this continues to this day.

With female rock stars and sports.

So do not listen to Fundamentalists about God and Satan.

Their posture is slanted to empower their right-wing political views.

Photo Credit: UC Santa Barbara.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Philosophical Differences.

Generation X believe that winning is everything.

And to achieve this you must be tough and hard.

And they project these qualities onto God.

Hence their belief in smacking children (The World's Strictest Parents).

And their right-wing political views.

But their greatest mistake is to worship a god of strength and violence.

They do not hesitate to judge and damn others.

And they think this wins.

But they are sorely mistaken.

God is Merciful, Forgiving, Non-Violent, and Gracious.

Which they equate with weakness and losing.

But they still insist that God must be tough.

Because life is tough and God must have made it that way.

You have to be tough to survive.

When confronted with God's Mercy they try to take advantage of it.

They want God's Blessing and they want Heaven but they have no intention of changing their behavior to gain it.   

So they steal His Blessing and they steal Heaven.

And this is the greater sin.

It is a sin against God.

And it is a sin against good.

But they won't listen to anyone.

Photo Credit: Ranker.

Sunday, 2 March 2025


Love; rather than good works, knowledge, or self-denial; is the key to the door of Paradise.

Because good works, knowledge, and self-denial will flow from love. 

But they will be tempered by understanding.

It is not a matter of hard and fast rules.

These rules will be qualified according to the understanding of the heart.

Photo Credit: