Generation X believe that winning is everything.
And to achieve this you must be tough and hard.
And they project these qualities onto God.
Hence their belief in smacking children (The World's Strictest Parents).
And their right-wing political views.
But their greatest mistake is to worship a god of strength and violence.
They do not hesitate to judge and damn others.
And they think this wins.
But they are sorely mistaken.
God is Merciful, Forgiving, Non-Violent, and Gracious.
Which they equate with weakness and losing.
But they still insist that God must be tough.
Because life is tough and God must have made it that way.
You have to be tough to survive.
When confronted with God's Mercy they try to take advantage of it.
They want God's Blessing and they want Heaven but they have no intention of changing their behavior to gain it.
So they steal His Blessing and they steal Heaven.
And this is the greater sin.
It is a sin against God.
And it is a sin against good.
But they won't listen to anyone.
Photo Credit: Ranker.