Sunday, 2 February 2025


Most Americans seem to think that any Socialism is godless Communism.

And therefore God must be a Capitalist or a billionaire like Donald Trump.

This is reinforced by the American Dream of success and prosperity.

And this is why they oppose any attempts to help the poor or tax the rich.

Unfortunately this is a complete contradiction of both the Old Testament and the Gospels.

The Old Testament prophets favored the poor and needy - the widow, the orphan, the alien.....

And the Gospels are good news for the poor.

The ideology of prosperity is blasphemous.  

But Americans believe the lies.

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Saturday, 1 February 2025


A colleague at my church commented that I made too much of Satanism in rock music and sports.

He didn't think it was that bad.

But that's because most of it is subliminal.

So it is affecting you subconsciously while you are consciously unaware of it.

It puts you in the pleasure zone and glamorizes evil.

And it tells you to hate and take drugs.

Indulgence in pleasure will leave you burnt-out and empty.

And evil will turn you away from God.

For God is our Salvation.

And God is Love.

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