Saturday, 30 September 2023


In the end the root of all the world's problems is fear.

Whether it be personal relations, prejudice, or international relations fear is the cause.

War, divorce, the arms race, Culture Wars, drug addiction, bullying, politics, persecution, homophobia, misogyny, or xenophobia fear is behind it. 

This may not be immediately apparent but if we look deeper we will find fear.

The response to fright is fight or flight.

Therefore all aggression is triggered by fear.

Domination is triggered by fear of being dominated.

This plays out in sexual politics.

Fear of being bullied triggers bullying of one who is more vulnerable.

This all takes place in an atmosphere of fear.

It has been said that there are only two things in the world:

Fear and Love.

When you let go of your fears you experience love.

And "perfect love casts out fear."  1 John 4:18 (NRSV)

So strive to overcome your fears and you will find the love that you seek.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Friday, 29 September 2023

Peace and Love.

In the 1960s we sang a song of Peace and Love.

But it was hijacked by rock stars who turned it to sex and drugs and rock and roll.

The Satanism hidden in their music was a form of Hedonism which turned us to pleasure rather than love.

But the time has come to resurrect our song of Peace and Love without the rock music that betrayed us in the first place.

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Monday, 25 September 2023


Aquarius has two ruling planets:

Saturn and Uranus.

Saturn governs Conservatism.

Uranus governs Liberalism.

In recent times we have seen these two influences engaged in Culture Wars.

Each has tried to win out against the other.

But the emerging Age of Aquarius will see conciliation between these two influences.

We must look for points of agreement.

And we must be prepared to negotiate.

Only then will the Utopian vision of Aquarius be realized.

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Sunday, 24 September 2023


When it comes to assigning the blame people do what suits them.

And this is why scapegoating works.

When people are confronted with their own evil they switch the blame onto the scapegoat.

This is called the scapegoating mechanism.

Hippies are the scapegoat for Generation X.

Gays are the scapegoat for conservative Christians.

Both Generation X and conservative Christians are essentially right-wing and both Hippies and Gays are essentially left-wing.

And the right-wing political machine has used this to create political power.

But a new generation has arisen.

The Millennials (born 1996-2010) are politically aware and socially active. 

They do not embrace the scapegoats.

And they are not easily led.

So the right-wing political machine has broken down.

Left-wing governments have been elected.

And the inequality and corruption of the last 40 years is being reversed.

I can only say: "At last!"

Photo Credit:

Friday, 22 September 2023


The decline of the Church is not just a failure to remain relevant in the 21st Century.

It has been systematically undermined by evil forces in our popular culture.

Satanism in rock music, entertainment, literature, and sports turn you away from the Church to idle pleasures.

That being said the traditional teachings of the Church no longer make sense to an educated public.

Sin, punishment, atonement, and judgement offend modern sensibilities.

The child sexual abuse scandal was just the last straw.

And so the Church is under attack from all sides.

If the Church cannot embrace change and reform its teachings then it will die.

But there is always a remnant.

And this remnant will take the form of progressive theology.

Only then will we see new life.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 21 September 2023


I often hear Church people say: "We need more young people."

But I think they are asking the wrong question.

Instead of thinking about what we need we should be thinking about what others need.

So we should be asking: "What do young people need?"

We should be asking young people: "What do you need from us?"

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Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Hate and Love.

The mistake that the Right has made is to choose hate over love.

Ronald Reagan hated the Hippies and all the left-wing politicians they supported.

Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians chose hate as a Biblical imperative and used it to support Reagan's political campaign against the Left.  

They also chose hate to justify their prejudice and persecution of gays and lesbians.

And they have conspired with evil to curse and damn those who oppose their political power. 

In choosing hate over love they have become agents of evil themselves.

For God is Love.

Hatred is evil.

My prayer is that the Light of God will show them this truth and end their reign of terror forever.

 Photo Credit:

Thursday, 14 September 2023


The right-wing political machine is based on hate and fear.

Reagan, Bush, 9/11, Brexit, Trump.....

All these campaigns sowed hate and triggered prejudice.

And they used scapegoating to create Moral Ease for their supporters.

But these techniques are not new.

Hitler and the Nazis used similar methods to create political power in the 1930s.

Demonizing a minority group is as old as the Bible where Pharaoh persecutes the Israelites out of fear. (Exodus 1)

This is the basis of Fascism which is autocratic, anti-liberal, and negative.

The time has come to emerge from this darkness and return to a philosophy of light.

Photo Credit: Political Hollow -

Tuesday, 12 September 2023


You may wonder why conservative Christians call Barack Obama the Anti-Christ.

Or why they depict Tony Blair or Hillary Clinton as devil-worshippers.

The reason is because Ronald Reagan said that the Baby-Boomer Generation were all "unconscious agents of the devil."* 

Therefore, they assume, all left-wing politicians are evil.

But this is blatant conflation.

And it is not true. 

Because the rock legends of the 1960s and their successors secretly practised Satanism does not mean that their fans are evil.

They are the victims of Satanism at worst.
Demonization of your opponent is a modern political practice of which Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

And it is fed daily by Fox News.

My prayer is that they will come to their senses and abandon this madness.

And return to the non-violent Love of God.

(*Reagan also said: "Christianity contains unconventional weapons" by which he weaponized religion.) 

Photo Credit: The Washington Post.

Sunday, 10 September 2023


Imagine a God who is all Good.

Imagine a God who is all Life.

Imagine a God who is all Light.

Imagine a God who is all Love.

Imagine a God who is Merciful.

Imagine a God who is Forgiving.

Imagine a God who is Compassionate.

Imagine a God who is Steadfast.

Then you will know the real God.

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Saturday, 9 September 2023


Evil is an idea created by humans as a response to life's harshness.

Some even choose evil as an alternative to a God they think is cruel and insane.

But evil has no substance in reality.

There is only one supernatural power.

And that is God.

And God is Good.

People who have chosen evil are ruled by fear of God.

And when this fear is gone evil will be gone also.

Photo Credit: Artnet.

Tuesday, 5 September 2023


Part of the science of Semiotics is the investigation of intention.

That is: why a particular piece of writing or communication was created in the way that it was - what influences or customs were present and how these contributed to the construction of meaning.

This can be applied to any piece of writing including scripture.

It also applies to music, lyrics, gestures, and art.

It is not intended to destroy meaning but to inform meaning.

And so by investigating intention we can gain a richer understanding of our heritage.

Photo Credit: Thinklink.

Monday, 4 September 2023

The Kingdom of God.

"'Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to it!  How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!'"  Matthew 23:37 (NRSV)

This passage reflects the Will of God to gather all His children in a loving embrace.

But those in authority in His temples and churches are not willing.

They insist on judgement and punishment.

"with force and harshness you have ruled them."  Ezekiel 34:14 (NRSV)

Out of fear.

In fact God loves everyone.

His mercy and forgiveness prevail.

But humankind acts out of fear.

And we shut ourselves out of the Kingdom of God.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

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Sunday, 3 September 2023


Because I expose the activities of Satanists in our culture people assume that I believe that Satan is real.

I do not.

Satan is a fiction based on the concept of Dualism.

Dualism believes that there are good and evil forces which rule our lives.

I do not believe this. 

God is One.

And everything and everyone lives in God.

But because there is no Satan does not mean that there are not people who do believe in him and act accordingly.

And the evil they do in the world remains.

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Saturday, 2 September 2023


Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya is overflowing with gay men and women fleeing persecution in Africa.

Several African states have introduced life sentences and even the death penalty for homosexual acts.

Others still criminalize gay sex.

Practices like conversion therapy and corrective rape are common.

And violent attacks are ignored by police.

While the world does nothing.

Western governments refuse to criticize the governments who have introduced these draconian measures.

The German people turned a blind eye to the persecution of the Jews.

And the world is mimicking their ignorance.

Something must be done about this modern day atrocity.

We cannot just say it doesn't affect us.

History will condemn our lack of action.

Photo Credit:

Friday, 1 September 2023

The House of God.

The House of God has two wings.

The Right Wing of Conservatism (ruled by Saturn).

The Left Wing of Liberalism (ruled by Uranus).

Perhaps in the Age of Aquarius these two wings (each of which is ruled by a co-ruler of Aquarius) will be reconciled into One House.

In Ezekiel 37 God joins the two sticks of Judah and Joseph into one kingdom.

Thus creating the nation of Israel.

So there is a precedent.

I pray for this.

I pray for peace.

 Photo Credit: (The Church of All Nations in Jerusalem).