Friday, 31 December 2021

Fear of AIDS.

AIDS inspired fear.

And fear inspired moral panic.

And so gay men were subjected to shame and damnation.

And many gay men internalized feelings of self-hatred because of these psychic pressures.

And all the lies of homophobia emerged from the unconscious.

Gay men were said to have indulged in excessive promiscuity and sexual license which many thought was the cause of AIDS.

Others claimed that AIDS was God's punishment for homosexual behavior.

But these ideas are not based in fact.

Gay men were no more promiscuous than straight men and women in the 1960s and 1970s.

And straight men and women did not experience AIDS to the same extent.

So these ideas are suspect to say the least.

They are in fact forms of homophobia.

AIDS has brought these issues up into the conscious minds of everyone.

And there we are able to deal with them.

So examine your attitudes to gay people.

Are they based in fact?

Or are they forms of fear and prejudice?

On this hangs all our hopes.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Generation X/Generation Z.

Desecration art, transgression, blasphemy, Piss-Christ, Gothics, witchcraft, devils in heaven, hell tonight, black-shirts, Neo-Nazis, fascists, hate, horror, pure evil.....

Generation X turned to the devil en masse.

They blame God and they hate good.

But because Ronald Reagan was a father-figure to them their image is whitewashed.

Reagan's crusade against the Hippies saw them cop the blame for everything.

But hate is the dark-side.

And devil magic is backwards.

This came to a head when Donald Trump attempted to flip everything in his favor with the support of Generation Z.

Generation Z are those born between 1984 and 1995.

They have Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus conjunct Saturn or Uranus in Capricorn.

This makes them lawless and violent.

And they may be reactionary conservatives.

Many of this generation follow the conspiracy theories of QAnon.

But January 6th saw them go too far and their faction is discredited.

Never again will the American people support anti-democratic fascists in government.

And when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024 their black edifice will be dismantled and destroyed.

And they will be exposed as evil forever.    

Photo Credit: Daily Express.

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Maybe This Time.

Loneliness is one of the great issues in our world.

Everyone is looking for love.

But few actually find it.

Our world is the vale of the broken-hearted.

But God mends our broken hearts.

God will requite our love.

And if we learn to give love we will always be in love.

This is the answer to life's basic dilemma.

Love God and love your neighbor.

Then you will never be lonely.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Monday, 27 December 2021


Babylon, the Great City -

Buying and Selling

Silver and Gold,

And Precious Merchandise,

And Souls of Men.....

Photo Credit: Pinterest.


".....and we'll offer you a 7 million dollar bonus to betray everyone....."

And they did!

Photo Credit: NBC News.

Sunday, 26 December 2021

Black Victory.

Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, the Religious Right, Corporate Plutocrats, and Generation X achieved the victory of Capitalism by violence, hate, and evil.

Violence - verbal, emotional, psychic, spiritual, and physical.

Hate - generational and political.

Evil - right-wing Satanism in rock music and popular culture.

This resulted in Devils in Heaven and Hippies in Hell.

It scapegoated and damned gays and lesbians.

And because it is backwards it blamed the victims.

These are not legitimate methods in a liberal democracy.  

But its time is up.

The political landscape is changing.

The right-wing political machine took things too far.

The religious left has emerged.

And a new generation of politically aware young people has arisen.

This will see the zeitgeist reversed.

And the light of Aquarius will reveal their evil.

The generation from hell will return there.

And the innocent will be vindicated.

Photo Credit: Daily Mail.

Saturday, 25 December 2021


The joy experienced by those who witnessed the birth of Jesus is reflected in the joy that all feel at the birth of a new child.

The new life that comes from God inspires great joy and happiness.

We are blessed and favored with new life!

This can be experienced by anyone who establishes a relationship with God.

Joy and peace are the characteristics of this relationship.

They are glimpses of Heaven.

And the reality of God's Love.

And Jesus brings us into relationship with God. 

Photo Credit:

Friday, 24 December 2021


Aquarius is about equality.

And all are equal in the sight of God.

This clashes with the realities of our world.

A world where the rich have all the power and the poor are oppressed and exploited.

The disparity between rich and poor in the world is at an all time high.

But as Aquarius dawns this will begin to change.

We have already seen a shift to the left politically and this brings with it a commitment to the equalization of power and wealth.

The rich will be taxed to pay for Social Welfare programs.

And unionization of the workforce will improve wages and conditions for workers.

There will be a return of support for the United Nations.

And Foreign Aid will be increased.

This is the beginning of Aquarius.

And it will be endorsed by the Religious Left.

And so all will be equal in the sight of God.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 23 December 2021

The Gospel.

The Gospel is uncompromisingly Marxist.

There is nothing Capitalist or even Prosperous about the Gospel.

"'Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain shall be made low.'" Luke 3:5 (NRSV)

"'He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly, he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.'"  Luke 1: 52,53 (NRSV)

"Sell all you own and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.'"  Luke 18;22 (NRSV)

"There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold.  They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need."  Acts 4:34,35 (NRSV)

"'You cannot serve God and wealth.'"  Matthew 6:24 (NRSV)

The King James Bible uses the term filthy lucre - attributing it to both St. Peter and St, Paul.  

So why does the Church reject Marxist ideas and support the Status Quo?

There is not one word of Jesus' teachings in any of the Creeds.

Instead we have statements about the Christ which establish him as an absolute.

At Nicea the Bishops aligned themselves with the ruling elite and they modified the Gospel to suit its needs.

Therefore we have Universal Condemnation for Original Sin, Jesus as a human sacrifice, and the threat of Judgement and Eternal Damnation.

These are the temptations of power.

And God sends his prophets to challenge them.

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants describes their fate. 

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: thirdhour,org

Monday, 20 December 2021


There is a way Home.

And that way is through your heart.

Open your heart.

Love God and love your neighbor.

God's inmost nature is Love.

"We love because he first loved us."  1 John 4:19 (NRSV)

Love God and love your neighbor.

Then you will be Home!

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Mary and Elizabeth.

Mary and Elizabeth were cousins.

Their family must have had great faith.

But their faith may not have been Orthodox.

Both John the Baptist and Jesus were critical of the established religious leaders.

This is in keeping with the Old Testament Prophets.

If you read the Old Testament you will find that the Prophets were harshly critical of their leaders.

This was God's way of renewing His Covenant with Israel.

So both John the Baptist and Jesus were the fulfillment of a long line of Prophets.

This is in keeping with the Islamic understanding of Jesus.

Jesus was a Prophet but not the only Son of God.

Whether Jesus is the Messiah or the Christ is perhaps a moot point if you see him as a figure of renewal of God's Covenant with humanity.

Photo Credit:

Friday, 17 December 2021

Cancel Culture.

When God sends a revelation and blessing the negative forces in our culture try to cancel it.

There are evil forces at work in our popular culture which operate counter to the Will of God.

These include Satanic influences in rock music, movies, T.V., literature, and sports.

But these are not the only influences that will try to stop you.

Right-wing religious and political voices will contradict God's Word.

They will cancel your blessing and try to reestablish orthodox or fundamentalist views.

These involve placing conditions on God's Love and imposing condemnation and rigid moral rules.

"The inheritance will all be ours."  They say.

Our job is to reinforce God's message of unconditional love and forgiveness.

And to pray for them to overcome their fears and see God more clearly.

For they are Children of God also.

Photo Credit: The DO.

Thursday, 16 December 2021


Aquarians are mater of fact about sex.

They are not prudish or repressive.

They are not afraid of sex.

They believe in the natural free expression of sexuality.

And this applies equally to homosexuality.

Homosexuality is seen as a natural expression of the diversity of God's good creation.

The repressive and fearful teachings of the Churches are seen as ignorant anachronisms that should be left behind.

As we enter the Age of Aquarius.

Photo Credit: Fine Art America.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Love Wins.

We were not born with clothes on.

So nudity is not indecent.

God did not invent marriage.

So sex outside of marriage is not immoral.

We are victims of fear and pride.

But God is Love.

Love will endure.

And Love will provide.

Photo Credit: RealWorld Graphics.

Monday, 13 December 2021

The Messiah.

Although John the Baptist was inspired by the Holy Spirit he was not the Messiah.

John the Baptist's message was to prepare people for the coming Messiah.

Jesus is the Messiah.

And his message was one of forgiveness and love.

He taught the Mercy and Love of God.

But the religious authorities felt so threatened by his message that they conspired to kill him.

This was because Jesus challenged their power.
Their power over the masses was invested in the perception of God's judgement and punishment.

By preaching forgiveness and love Jesus challenged the very basis of their power.

And so they got rid of him.

This is the true story of the crucifixion.

Photo Credit:

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Prepare the Way.

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make good his ways."

This is the cry of John the Baptist.

And when they asked him: "What then must we do?"

His answer was to practise basic honesty and charity.

Things that perhaps we take for granted.

But the world no longer takes honesty and charity for granted.

They wink at corruption.

And they cut aid and support.

So perhaps we need this message once again.

"Prepare the way of the Lord, make good his ways."

Photo Credit:

Thursday, 9 December 2021


The secret symbols of Aquarius:

The glyph for Aquarius is the Egyptian hieroglyph for water.

The hieroglyph of a jar is ab - the heart.

So the enigmatic water of Aquarius is love.

We pour out the life-giving water of our love to the world. 

But Aquarius is an air sign.

And so the key to Aquarius is the concept of unconditional love for everyone.

Photo Credit:

Monday, 6 December 2021

Generation Z.

Generation Z are those born between 1984 and 1995.

They have Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus conjunct Saturn or Uranus in Capricorn.

They can be lawless and destructive.

They may be reactionary and irrational.

They were the majority of the insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6th.

And they are the majority of the followers of Q.

But Q is evil.

It is hateful and poisonous.

A snake with a forked tongue.

But the new authorities are putting them in jail.

Their extreme behavior is criminal and evil.

Many of them are anti-vaccers.

And their protests are violent.

But they remain a small minority.

And their influence is limited.

Photo Credit: 

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Sex-Phobic Christians.

Most of the evil in our world is caused by sex-phobic Christians.

This is because those who turn to the devil are reacting against the hard-line sex policies of the Church.

They blame God for Christians' sex-phobia.

But, as the name suggests, sex-phobia is fear.

Fear of transgression, fear of punishment, fear of hell.

But there is no fear in God.

God does not condemn our sexual activity.

He invented it after all.

And that's to say nothing of homophobia.

Photo Credit: Scott Klein.

Friday, 3 December 2021

Generation X.

Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, The Rocky Horror Show, The Phantom of the Opera, Show no Mercy, Misery, Resident Evil, Red Dead Redemption, Diablo, Burning Crusade.....  

Generation X has a diet of horror, violence, and evil.

They have turned to the devil en masse.

But the darkness hides them.

They wear black.

And you cannot see black in the darkness.

But the Light from God shows us their evil.

It illuminates both evil and good.

Their Satanic magic is backwards.

It is evil posing as good.

The good devil.

Devils in Heaven.

Pitch Black, Black Beast, Pure Evil, Back in Black..... 

They love the darkness for their deeds are evil.

They are the generation form hell.

Photo Credit: Gothics. 

Wednesday, 1 December 2021


It is interesting to compare the world's reaction to AIDS with our reaction to COVID-19.

No one is suggesting that COVID is punishment for sin.

Whereas many said that AIDS was God's punishment for the sin of homosexuality.

Why is this?

It can only be the result of ignorance and prejudice.

And what is their explanation for the fact that AIDS is now virtually cured?

Has God changed His mind?

Have they paid off their debt?

What could be happening?

None of this seems to apply to the COVID-19 virus.

Ask yourself why that is.

You may be surprised.

Photo Credit: Business Insider.