Monday, 31 May 2021


This Sunday is Trinity Sunday.

Unfortunately I have a problem with the Christian Trinity.

The exclusive relationships of God the Father, Jesus the only Son, and the Holy Spirit do not resonate with my understanding.

And so I prefer to talk of Trinities:
God, Jesus, Spirit.
God, Krishna, Light.
God, Buddha, Compassion.
God, Mohammed, Mercy.
God, Moses, Law.
           And many more......

These are all pathways to God.

Each messenger represents a different aspect of God.

But they are all united in the one nature of God.

And that is Love.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Cerebral and Pelvic.

Satanism is cerebral and pelvic.

It pertains to the mind and the sex.

But the soul resides in the heart.

It is love that will save us.

Photo Credit: YouTube.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

The Time.

God is in control.

The Light is coming into the world.

It is non-violent and generous.

Peace on earth and goodwill to all.

Photo Credit: templeandwebster.

Monday, 24 May 2021


Sanctimonious means: making a show of being morally better than other people (Oxford Dictionary).

And this describes the hypocrites in the Church perfectly.

We are used to thinking of this as an innocent foible.

But it is in fact a major vice of religious people.

And it combines with a fear of sex to create a major evil in our world.

This aggressive hypocrisy causes suffering and anguish to millions.

They hate sin.

Or more precisely they hate sinners.

And this is in direct contradiction of Jesus' teachings.

Hate is the dark side.  

And being sanctimonious is evil.

Photo Credit:

Sunday, 23 May 2021

The Party's Over.

Luxury cruise ships - the symbol of world-wide privilege - are being abandoned and dismantled all around the world.

The COVID-19 crisis has seen the demise of the industry and it will not recover in the foreseeable future.

And so the rich can no longer travel around the world in luxury while people starve.

The obscene disparity between rich and poor is coming to an end.

Aquarius will oversee a return to the taxation of rich individuals and corporations.

And this will fund welfare and aid programs around the world.

The party's over.

The people have spoken. 

Photo Credit: Chris McGrath/Getty Images.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is doing a great job as President.

He is getting the COVID-19 crisis under control.

He is getting the country moving after the economic crisis.

And he is overseeing a return to diplomacy and peace in our world.

The policy of economic aid to the Third World is an integral part of defense policy.

And support for the United Nations is a return to sanity.

He has two-thirds majority bipartisan support.

And his government is 100% transparent.

And so there is hope as we journey into Aquarius.

May God bless his vision for the future.

Photo Credit: New York Post.

Friday, 21 May 2021

No Sports.

It may surprise you that I say no sports.

But sport is the major instrument of distraction used by Satanists in our popular culture.

And there are players, coaches, and officials in all professional sports involved in modern Satanism.

The Red Devils is just one example. 

The tough, winner-take-all approach enforced by clubs and their corporate masters is fertile ground for Satanism.

Young, ambitious men and women are vulnerable to promises of fame and fortune.

Especially in the dog-eat-dog world of professional sports.

So instead of thinking about your favorite football team perhaps you could think about how to make the world a better place.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

No Rock Music.

With the election of Joe Biden in the United States we have seen a return to left-wing idealism.

But we cannot afford to just go back to the 1960s.

The tendency in social media is to revive the rock stars of the 1960s and 1970s as if this somehow epitomizes left-wing ideals.

But one thing that Ronald Reagan said was true:

The rock legends of the 1960s were secret Satanists hellbent on corrupting their fans.

Despite the fact that Reagan used this information to demonize the Hippies and Baby-Boomers themselves and smear left-wing politics itself we cannot afford to resurrect the rock stars who betrayed us.

To do so would be to invite the type of catastrophe that befell our generation at their hands.

Sex and drugs and rock and roll ruined our generation and resulted in untold suffering.

Drug addiction, divorce, and mental illness have caused great suffering for three generations and a return to the hedonism and decadence of the past is not the answer. 

So I say: No rock music.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, 19 May 2021


I can now see what Donald Trump was doing while he was in office.

All the contradictions, the confusion, the chaos was deliberately created to make a smoke-screen to hide what he was actually doing.

While we were trying to decipher what he was saying he was cutting taxes for corporations and the rich, dismantling welfare, and reversing civil rights initiatives.

But the Democrats know what he did and they are reversing them with bipartisan support and with full transparency.

All they have to do is tell the truth.

History will take care of the rest.

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Our Experience.

There are always reasons why people act the way they do.

Negative experiences of abuse, exploitation, and violence - verbal, emotional, psychic, spiritual, and physical - inspire fear and cynicism in people.

But these responses are not always conscious so a person may not know why they are acting and reacting in the way that they do.

But God knows these hidden roots of behavior and can call out the soul - the innocent child - from within this matrix of experiences. 

I believe that this is what happens when we meet God - either in life or after death.

So everyone is forgiven.

Everyone is saved.

And we enter into the Love of God.

Monday, 17 May 2021


AIDS is over.

HIV can be treated and it can be prevented using PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis).

But the homophobia which resulted from AIDS remains.

It has hardened into a snub-nosed hatred which still oppresses homosexuals.

And the last bastions of homophobia are sports and the Church.

Hard-line Christianity preaches that gay men and women go to hell.

And those who believe this feel justified in torturing and tormenting homosexuals.

Considerable progress has been made with the legalization of gay marriage and its celebration in some churches.

But a residue of virulent homophobia remains in most Churches and sporting clubs.

So pray for us.

Pray that Christians see the Love of God.

And realize His Love for gay and lesbian people.

Only then will the persecution cease.

Photo Credit:

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Starting Over.

With each generation we must start over.

Little children do not know what we know.

It is our obligation to pass on what we have learned to the next generation.

But it is no use merely indoctrinating them into some Orthodox belief system.

Most of them are wrong in any case.

We must show them what we have learned from our experience.

Jesus said: "'first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take he speck out of your neighbor's eye.'"  Matthew 7:5 (NRSV)

And so we give our truth to the next generation.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Friday, 14 May 2021


Satanists say that they hate God.

But in fact it is not God that they hate.

They hate the traditional image of God that is still endorsed by  most Churches.

That is that God is a harsh judge and punisher of women and men.

They think that God is an irrational dictator who consigns people to eternal torture in hell.

And so they believe that Satan is the better option.

They believe that Satan guarantees that they get whatever they want in return for their souls.

And so they do evil in our world.

But the fact remains that this Traditional God is not the reality.

In reality God is all merciful, all forgiving, and all loving.

He does not punish us for our mistakes.

He forgives us and sets us on the right path.

God looks on the heart.

It is love that will save us.

Even those who have sold their souls for sex are in fact looking for love.

So they can be saved.

Pray to God with a sincere heart.

And He will answer.

Photo Credit: Sistine Chapel.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Fear and Love.

There are only two things in the world:

Fear and Love.

All the world's problems are caused by fear.

Violence, hatred, oppression, and war.

All these things are caused by fear.

So, if there is a problem, ask: "What are you afraid of?"

And respond with love.

If we are not afraid ourselves we can respond with love.

So when you act ask yourself: "Is this action motivated by fear or love?'

If it is motivated by fear we should refrain from it.

If it is motivated by love it will help.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


The ultimate source of love is God.

Fear is human.  Love is Divine.

All the world's problems are caused by fear.

This includes the false teachings of religion.

Doctrines that are based on fear are not true doctrines.

Because God is Love.

And there is no fear in Him.

"There is no fear, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in .love."  1 John 4:18 (NRSV)

Love God and love your neighbor.

Trust in God.

And your fears will be resolved.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are sued by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

God's Love.

We can spread the Good News of God's Love.

We can convince people that God does not judge us.

We can tell people they have nothing to fear.

But if we do not change what we are doing the world will not change.

It will stay the same because what we do creates the world we experience.

Only if we love God and love our neighbors will the world be transformed.

Monday, 10 May 2021


You will note that the statue of Satan (above) includes the two serpents entwined around a pole which is intended to represent the Kundalini of Yoga.

This is metaphysical sleight of hand.

Because the Kundalini in Yoga is a serpent Satanists have claimed it for the devil who is symbolized as a serpent in the West.

This is supported by Fundamentalist Christians who claim that Yoga is a practice of the devil.

But the serpent in the East is not the devil.

It symbolizes power and wisdom.

So don't take everything you see as truth.

We are being deceived.

Photo Credit: Pacific Standard.

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Gays in the Kingdom of God.

Too many Churches exclude gay people or restrict the expression of homosexuality for their members.

But God does not discriminate.

We are His gay sons and daughters.

And we should be full members of the Church with access to communion, leadership, and marriage.

There should be no distinction between heterosexual expression and homosexual expression.

Too many Church people use homosexuality as a whipping-boy for their sins.

And this is nothing new.

"Was not your sister Sodom a byword in your mouth in the day of your pride, before your wickedness was uncovered?"  Ezekiel 16:56 (NRSV)

But gay people are accepted by God.

God loves us.

And we will go to Heaven.

The hard-hearted attitude of the Churches is an indictment of their leadership.

They base their judgements on human prejudices not Divine enlightenment.

Jesus said to the Pharisees: "'You judge by human standards, I judge no one.'"  John 8:15 (NRSV)

So if Jesus judges no one why does the Church preach Judgement - personal or collective?

And why do they heap shame and guilt upon the heads of gay people?

We are human beings like you.
We love and live like you.

So it is time for the persecution to end.

And allow gay people to enter the Kingdom of God.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Friday, 7 May 2021

The 1950s.

One of the women in in my church said to me: "Obviously your experience of the Church in the 1950s was very different from mine."

In the 1950s the churches were full and all children went to Sunday School.

But my memories of that period are not good.

The Church was part of the Conservative Establishment.

It taught obedience to authority, repentance of sins, and the redemptive power of the cross.

But my intuitive understanding of Jesus and God, based on the stories in the Bible, did not match what I experienced in the Church.

The Church was cold and forbidding.

It moralized about sex.
And its members were hypocrites.

If everyone went to church and the Church was God's representative on Earth then why was it a "jungle out there"?

It seemed to me that people just ignored what they were told.

Even if half of it was wrong.

They just believed that they were saved and put nothing into practice.

So the nostalgia for the past in the Church is not sustainable in the present.

And that is why the Church is dying.

Photo Credit: Richmond. 

Thursday, 6 May 2021

The Beloved.

When we see beauty in another person we are filled with love and great desire.

In the midst of these overwhelming feelings we must always remember to respect the beloved.

To respect his wishes and his rights and his vows.

He is an individual with a heart and a will of his own.

We must respect that.

And offer him our love.

Photo Credit: Leo Bartenev.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021


God is controversial.

God's radical Love challenges our preconceived ideas about goodness and justice. 

We are used to thinking of ourselves as good and others as evil.

But God judges no one. (John 5:22)

And Jesus said: "' You judge by human standards, I judge no one.'"  John 8:15 (NRSV)

Our expectations of Natural Justice are shattered.

And this is because those we call evil are acting out of fear or a reaction to the false teachings of those in authority.

And so God writes off their debts.

Just as God has written off our debts.

This is the reality of God's amazing grace.

And it is available to anyone.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Homosexuality in the Church of England.

The Church of England still teaches that homosexual sex is a sin.

They say that homosexual orientation is not sinful in itself but any expression of it is sinful.

And so they seek to tear us in half.

This is torture for gay people.

And it can not be tolerated.

But the Anglican hierarchy will not change anything.

They adhere rigidly to tradition.

But what did Jesus say about tradition?

"'thus making void the word of God through your tradition that you have handed on.  And you do many things like this.'"  Mark 7:13 (NRSV)

And they are still doing this today!

They deny the Love of God for the sake of tradition.  

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Monday, 3 May 2021

Need to Know 2.

The second thing that people need to know is that there is Satanism hidden in rock music, sports, and popular culture.

Rock stars, sporting heroes, movie stars and directors, novelists etc. sell their souls to the devil for fame and fortune and a rock star reception.

This evil influence permeates the whole of our media and poisons and curses everyone.

It can be seen in the obsession with darkness, night, murder, death, and evil in our entertainment.

It is rooted in hate.

And it is hidden in the unconscious.

But there is no devil in reality.

And no hell.

Only God's Love.

God is Good.

God is Light.

God is Life.

God is Love.

It is these things that will save us.

Photo Credit: Christian Broadcasting Network.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Need to Know 1.

The first thing that people need to know is that the traditional teachings of the Church distort our image of God and His relationship with humanity.

There is no Original Sin and therefore no Substitutionary Atonement.

We are not condemned by God.

Neither are we dead in sin.

The truth is that God is our Father.

And He loves us like a father.

He does not punish us for our mistakes.

He forgives us and He puts us on the right track.

Even the most heinous sinners can be forgiven.

This is the reality of His amazing grace.

And we are the fortunate beneficiaries of this amazing grace.

So pray to God with a sincere heart.

He will answer.

Photo Credit: Smithsonian Magazine.

Saturday, 1 May 2021

The Right Hand of God.

I am a gay man standing at the right hand of the Father.

I represent all the gay people of the world.

If God accepts me then God will accept you.

If I will be honored in Heaven then you will be honored in Heaven also.

My heart includes all gay people.

And my prayers extend to the ends of the Earth.

I denounce the devil and all his works.

And I take refuge in God.

In His Sacred Sanctuary.

I give my heart to Him.

And I trust in Him.

That all gay people will have Eternal Life!

Photo Credit: Mt. Eliza Uniting Church.