Wednesday, 31 March 2021


I believe that Satanism is rife in rock music, sports, and popular culture.

But it is hidden.

The darkness hides it.

You may wonder how widespread Satanism could develop.

I believe that disaffected adolescents hate God and blame Him for their suffering and the state of the world.

This makes them fertile ground for Satanism.

But it is when they are told that rock legends like the Beatles were covert Satanists that they convert.

Rock musicians practise Satanic (backwards) magic.

They tempt and curse us.

And they laugh at our naivety.

We swallow their illusions.

And we drink their poison.

So look beneath the surface and see their secret malice.

Then you will know the truth.

Photo Credit: 

Monday, 29 March 2021

Fear and Love.

There are only two things in the world:

Fear and Love.

Violence is caused by fear.

War is caused by fear.

Evil is caused by fear.

Love casts out fear.

Love is good.

Love is beautiful.

Love makes peace.

Love heals.

Love sets us free!

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Leave It Behind.

Leave behind the old mentality 

Of hatred, blame, and evil.

Resurrect the pure ideals 

That are forever needed.

For hatred will destroy the heart

And evil will betray you.

Blaming God for human sin

Will lead to untold suffering.

But mercy and forgiveness grow

When human eyes are opened.

For everyone desires to know

What causes human tears.

Love will open all our hearts

And leave behind our fears. 

Saturday, 27 March 2021


It has been said that the sincerest form of repentance is to stop the offending behavior.

Friday, 26 March 2021


Gone is the chaos,

The hate and the lies.

Truth comes quickly,

We open our eyes.

The facts of reality

Cure our insanity.

Faith in diplomacy,

Peace, and charity

Replace self-obsession.

Conceit, and deception.

Now is the darkness

Left behind.

The dawn of the Light

Opens our eyes.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Do Good.

Generation X said: "Just do it!"

They called do-gooders losers.

But what does God require of us but to:

Do Good!

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Monday, 22 March 2021


The Republican Party of the United States is now being exposed for the white-supremacist racism and fascism that has infected it like a cancer.

A cancer which threatens to destroy the G.O.P. altogether.

Unless they can reform the party and rid it of this insanity the party will be damaged irreparably. 

The followers of QAnon and its allies in Fox News are totally divorced from reality.

Wishful thinking and fantasy backed up by violence and hatred is a dangerous and intoxicating mix. 

But there are facts.

Reality is not relative.

And the truth will win in the end.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Sunday, 21 March 2021

The Common Good.

Political power is not just about implementing an ideological agenda.

It is about acting for the Common Good.

And as such it is centered in the heart.

And in a genuine concern for the wellbeing of everyone.

Photo Credit: 

Saturday, 20 March 2021


It brings about your downfall by declaring you guilty and then searching your conscience for something to blame.

And it poses as good by default.

But its nature is malevolent.

And its intentions are evil.

It poisons perceptions.

And it inspires damnation.

Such is the curse of modern Satanism.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Friday, 19 March 2021

Melt Their Hearts.

Pray for your enemies.

Pray that God melts their hearts.

Pray that they overcome their fears.

For love overcomes fear.

The love that is in their hearts.

The love that comes from God.

So love your enemies.

Pray that they open their hearts.

And forget their fear forever.

Thursday, 18 March 2021


What is needed is a renewed orientation towards goodness.

For too long we have been blackened and corrupted by sin and vice.

As if this was somehow an answer to life's problems.

But sin and vice do not lead to happiness. 

They usually lead to suffering.

And those who push these things are evil.

They do not have your wellbeing at heart.

They want to lead you astray and damn you to hell.

If there was a hell.

So we have to see their evil for what it is.

And reorient ourselves towards goodness.

And what is goodness?

Sympathy, compassion, honesty, humility, forgiveness, mercy, peace, charity, integrity, and love.

But most of all:


Wednesday, 17 March 2021


I do not think that we should legalize marijuana.

Enough damage has been done by drugs already.

Legalizing marijuana would lead to further incidence of drug addiction and related problems.

Many people think that there is a link between marijuana and mental illness.

And use of marijuana can lead to harder drugs.

By all means decriminalize its use.

But I do not think that we should legalize marijuana.  

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Sacred Sites.

Someone commented on a post on my blog: "I get the strongest sense of spirituality in nature."

And this is true.

Even to sit quietly in my garden I experience a sense of peace.

The peace that passes understanding.

To be surrounded by Life.

To feel the gentle wind - the Ruach.

Is to commune with God.

This is Aboriginal.

Australian Aboriginal people say that they experience peace in the land.

And this leads us to an understanding of sacred sites.

A sacred site is a place where the sense of spirituality and peace that comes from God is strong.

Like the Celtic thin places.

And these occur naturally in special places.

Aboriginal people have in the past lived in harmony with nature.

Europeans rape the land, plunder it, and sell it for profit.

So perhaps as we move into the future we can regain a sense of the sacredness of the land.

And respect our humble place within it.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Truth and Reconciliation.

Before there can be Reconciliation there must be Truth.

Once the Truth has been established then Reconciliation can take place.

Sunday, 14 March 2021


Beware the bite of the serpent.

It is poisonous.

And its intention is to kill.

But God can protect you from its venom.

He can turn on the lights.

And show us its weakness.

That its power comes from fear.

And its evil is clear.

Saturday, 13 March 2021


The Q symbol in QAnon is a snake.

This is just one more piece of evidence that its origins are in Satanism.

How Evangelical Christians can follow such a thing is beyond belief.

The forked tongue of the snake speaks lies.

And its lies inspire hate and violence.

It is not inspired by Jesus or God it is inspired by the devil.

And its accusations are backwards.

It is totally negative and dangerous.

It is evil.

And it should be banned.

Photo Credit: BBC.

Friday, 12 March 2021


What is at the root of evil in  our world?


If we look deeper into the evil around us we will find fear.

Even those who have rejected God and turned to the devil are motivated by fear.

Fear of castration, fear of missing out.

War and oppression stem from fear.

Violence and hate are the result of fear.

So, if we wish to rid the world of evil, we must look to allay people's fears.

And the ultimate remedy to fear is love.

Thursday, 11 March 2021


The Marquis de Sade said: "The more wicked the sin the more delicious the pleasure."

And many people in our world would agree with him.

But pleasure is not entirely the domain of evil.

Sex, perhaps the ultimate pleasure, was invented by God to encourage procreation and love.

We need not feel guilty about it.

And homosexuality is equally innocent.

So do not chase after evil in order to experience pleasure.

Pleasure can be experienced in goodness as well.

The answer is moderation.

Photo Credit: Pinterest.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Heart and Soul.

Your Soul- the Divine Spark - is in your heart.

It is the source and the agent of love.

And it is our connection with God.

The God who is Love.

Follow your heart.

Give your love.

Strengthen your Soul.

And you will be Home.

Photo Credit: Punk Heart Candles.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Better Than Sex.

What could be better than sex?

Sex is the ultimate pleasure.

Many think sex is the meaning of life.

But there is something that is better than sex.

And that is love.

To be loved is good but to love is better.

And so give love to God and to those around you.

Then you will experience the ultimate.

The true meaning of life.

Open your heart.

Let your heart blossom like a flower.

It is better than sex.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Wuthering Heights.

Emily Bronte's shocking novel Wuthering Heights is another example of reactionary apostasy.

Cathy and Heathcliff's rebellion has its roots in Emily's family.

Emily Bronte's father was an Anglican priest.

And the rebellion that she wrote of was a rebellion against the Christian God.

This pattern can be clearly seen in modern Satanism.

Rock stars, sporting heroes, and celebrities rebel against the traditional image of God as a harsh punisher and judge of women and men.

They turn to Satan and sell their souls.

This undercurrent of pop culture poisons and curses us all.

And it leads to undeserved suffering.

Drugs and divorce alone account for untold suffering in my generation.

And it affects the next generations as well.

So be aware of the toxic influence of Satanism in our culture.

And eliminate it from your lives for good.

Photo Credit: PippoOfEarth.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

The Love of God.

We are transformed by the Love of God.

Our fears, our jealousy, our anger, our hatred melt away as God melts our hearts.

"I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh."  Ezekiel 11:19 (NRSV)

A heart that values people not things.

A heart of compassion.

A heart of love.

Love the Lord God with all your heart.

And love your neighbor as yourself.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Saturday, 6 March 2021

Hate 2.

The counter revolution begun by Ronald Reagan is based on hate.

His hatred of the left-leaning Hippies was so great that he tried to destroy their legacy and damn them forever.

And this can be seen in what he inspired.

The older generation were encouraged to take revenge on the Baby-Boomers and shame them.

Generation X were encouraged to intimidate and bash them with rebellious hate.

And the Religious Right were encouraged to hate their sin and damn them.

All of this is based on hate.

But hate is the dark side.

It is a temptation of evil.

And in the end it is no answer.

Only love can save us.  

Photo Credit:

Friday, 5 March 2021

Mega Church.

Any Church leaders who live in multi-million dollar mansions or demand large sums of money from their followers have been corrupted by money and should not be followed.

The preaching of Prosperity Theology is a means of gaining followers by telling them what they want to hear - i.e. that God will make them to be rich and successful - is a scam to make them rich at your expense.

Prosperity Theology is a heresy which directly contradicts the words of Jesus:

"No one can serve two masters.....,
You cannot serve God and wealth."  Matthew 6:24 (NRSV)

And it blames the poor and the sick for their own misfortunes in direct contradiction of scripture.

"This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy."  Ezekiel 16:49 (NRSV)

So do not follow these false prophets.

Their teachings do not lead to Salvation.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Money Inc.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Generation X.

We are seeing the results of virtually a whole generation turning to the dark side.

Witches and Gothics with their caps on backwards and dressed all in black.

Rednecks and white supremacists, racists and Satanists.

Neo-Nazis and Fascists.

With the patronage of corporate plutocrats and the protection of their Godfather Ronald Reagan they invaded the zeitgeist and blackened the ether.

But the secret of Generation X is that they turned to Satanism to achieve their victory.

This is backwards:
"Devils in Heaven", "Hippies in Hell".

And when the Light comes this will be revealed.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, 3 March 2021


The right-wing propaganda machine is linked to right-wing Satanists in rock music and popular culture.

They use Satanic (backwards) magic and black magic techniques to poison and curse left-wing politicians and their supporters.

This is based on hate.

And hate is contagious.

They spread toxic tweets and lies about one side of politics.

And they are backed-up by Fox News and Murdoch's media empire.

But this is hidden by a mirage of normality.

A smoke-screen of equal rights and free speech.

This is an abuse of freedom.

It exploits free-will to curse and poison its political enemies.

It is criminal and it is evil.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021


All goodness comes from God.

We are corrupted by our attempts to deal with the world.

But if we establish a relationship with God we begin to practise goodness for its own sake.

Then we can feel good about ourselves.

I don't want to live in this dog-eat-dog world of corruption, sin, and evil.

I want to live in the Kingdom of God where the values of the Beatitudes are practised.

Sympathy, compassion, humility, honesty, mercy. peace, integrity. and love.

It is possible to embody these things in our world.

And to reflect the goodness of God.

Monday, 1 March 2021


Love is the universal panacea.

It is when we experience love that we are happy.

And it is when we give love that we are Home.

For love is the inmost nature of God.

And it is love that powers the universe.

So love God and love your neighbor.

Because everyone has within them the Divine Spark that is their soul.

The inner child that resides in the heart.

It is the source and the agent of love.

So listen to your heart.

Give love.

And you will be Home.