Sunday, 28 February 2021

Hate 1.

Right-wing political think-tanks like CPAC are behind the campaign of misinformation and hate which plagues our society.  

Their allies in the corporations use their media outlets to spread this misinformation and hate throughout our world.

Their hatred of the political left is so great that they will even embrace Fascist techniques and brainwashing to achieve right-wing rule.

The plutocrats in the corporations support them because they will cut taxes and slash welfare.

Their motivation is money.

The truth is that it is a coordinated campaign to destroy the political left and their allies in the unions.

It relies on hate.

And it is evil.

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Fox News.

Watchers of Fox News are not members of an alternate reality they are entirely divorced from reality.

The fantasy and wishful thinking put out by Fox is verging on insanity.

And the intimidation and bullying of opposing viewpoints is verging on criminality.

So don't watch Fox News merely to reinforce your prejudices.

To do so is to risk insanity.

And to be divorced from all reality.

Photo Credit: You Tube.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Lunatic Fringe.

Rednecked Republicans and followers of QAnon are no more than a lunatic fringe.

Now that Donald Trump is out of the White House they have no authority and no power.

Christians who support this kind of nonsense are not worthy of the name.

It encourages hatred and violence in the name of Jesus.

And it claims that God is on their side.

This is blatant blasphemy.

And it should be denounced by Christian authorities.

The time has come to discard this madness.

And return to sanity and peace.

Photo Credit: ABC News.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Aleister Crowley.

Further to my thesis that Satanism is a reaction to a Fundamentalist view of God is the fact that Aleister Crowley's parents were Fundamentalist Plymouth Brethren.

Aleister Crowley was also bisexual so the Fundamentalist teaching that homosexuality is of the devil may have played a part in his apostasy.

He wrote many books on Satanism and magic which influenced 1960s rock bands and their descendants.

But the fact remains that their view of God is false.

Homosexuality and sexuality in general are not condemned by God. 

So Satanism collapses like a house of cards.

Photo Credit:

Wednesday, 24 February 2021


How can we make a more humane world?

Only by being more humane ourselves.

By discarding indifference.

By rejecting hatred.

By caring about the poor and needy.

By having sympathy for the suffering.

By having compassion for the sick.

By having the courage of our convictions.

By letting go of fear.

By faith in a benevolent God.

By seeing the Divine in everyone.

We are human.

We are not robots.

We are not work units.

We are not statistics.

We are human beings.

And we have human needs.

It is only when these human needs are met at work that we are truly productive.

So don't sell out to the corporate system.

There is a higher power than that.

And His modus operendi is Love.   

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Prosperity Theology.

The Religious Right is captive to the Prosperity Theology condemned in the Bible.

The "God blesses the rich and successful" theology of the majority of Churches in America and elsewhere has been corrupted by money and power.

The Book of Job in the Bible was written specifically to explode this selfish and expedient theology.

And Jesus said: You cannot serve two masters - God and money. (Matthew 6:24)

This also explains their reluctance to help the sick and the poor - because they believe that God is punishing them.

And their blatantly political stance on social issues betrays their ignorance and fear.

They invoke violence, hate, and judgement.

They demonize their enemies.

And they threaten and tempt everyone.

All for the love of money and power.

Monday, 22 February 2021

Of Human Origin.

Punishment, judgement, the devil, and hell are all concepts of human origin.

They derive from human guilt, fear, terror, and foreboding.

They are not characteristics of the Divine.

God is harmless.

God loves us.

His mercy is infinite.

And His forgiveness is everlasting.

Natural Justice - the concept of punishment for evil and reward for good - is also of human origin.

We think that this is how it should be.

But there is littler evidence that God acts in this way.

The wicked prosper and the good suffer.

"Where then is God?"  I hear you say.

God is Love.

He loves everyone.

He loves the wicked as well as the good.

And he waits for them.

When they turn to Him He will write off their debts and put them on the right track.

He will not condemn them.

He will not punish them.

He will not make them pay.

His Love will show mercy.

He will forgive them.

And encourage them to love.

Sunday, 21 February 2021


Satanism preys on adolescent hate.

It is as teenagers that rock stars are tempted to sell their souls.

And they are told to banish all love from their lives in order to get sex.

Love becomes sex.

And sex becomes death.

Death to God.

They hate God.

And they rely on the power of hate.

They encourage sin.

And they blind you and put you to sleep.

All of this is hidden in the darkness.

And all of this is based on hate.

Photo Credit:

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Modern Rock.

Dogs and Divas.

Monsters and gangsters.

Fast cars and nasty girls.

Blasphemy and profanity.

Modern rock music is morally bankrupt and spiritually corrupt.

It is the domain of devil-worship.

Why watch it?

Why listen?

Why subject yourselves to suffering and torture?

Turn it off!

Throw away your earphones!

Then you will be free!

Photo Credit:

Friday, 19 February 2021


The tyranny of hate

Has fallen from power.

The blessing of light

Has come in an hour.

Preserve and protect us,

Deliver us from evil.

Enfold us in love

And show us Your Will.

Photo Credit: josullivan.59 Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 18 February 2021


The night of dismay

Is over at last.

Morning has broken

The darkness has passed.

We rejoice in our friends

And forgive those who trespassed.

The light of the truth

Has dawned on our path.

And the rule of lies

Is over at last.

Photo Credit: dbrothier Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 17 February 2021


After the long, dark night

The first rays of light

Appear in the East.

The sky is blushed 

With a rosy glow.

And the clouds 

Shine gold above the horizon.

A new hope rises 

In our hearts.

As the dawn-chorus greets

The rising of the Sun.

Photo Credit: dbnunley Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

God's Forgiveness.

Some will say that if God's forgiveness is infinite then I get off  scot-free and I can continue to sin and do as I please.

Others will say that there is no disincentive to sin.

But you cannot be forgiven for something unless you admit that it was wrong.

God desires a contrite heart.

Only then is His forgiveness infinite.

Photo Credit: eshao5721 Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 15 February 2021

God's Radical Love.

Picture a being in whom there is no darkness.

Picture a being in whom there is no malice.

Picture a being who judges no one.

Picture a being whose inmost nature is Love.

Picture a being who loves everyone.

Picture a being whose love is steadfast, reliable, constant, and trustworthy.
Picture a being whose mercy is infinite.

Picture a being whose forgiveness is forever.

Picture a being who is wholly good.

And you may be close to realizing the Radical Love of God.

Photo Credit: Kirt Edblom Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 14 February 2021


The only thing that can save us from the power of hate is love.

And love comes from a good God.

Hate and evil have ruined our world.

The darkness has overtaken us.

But with Aquarius comes new hope!

Light, Life, and Love are entering our world.

So follow the Light!

Choose Life!

And give Love!

Photo Credit: It's No Game Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 13 February 2021


Why does the QAnon Shaman wear horns?

I believe that this betrays the hidden Satanic element of the QAnon conspiracy itself.

The backwards, poisonous nature of the lies put out by QAnon is typical of Satanic propaganda which reverses the truth and encourages violence and hate.

And the trademark flipping of arguments by President Trump reflects the same pattern.   

This is the hidden secret of the QAnon conspiracy.

And the QAnon Shaman is its priest.

Photo Credit: Mashable.

Friday, 12 February 2021


The video evidence presented by the Democrats in the Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump is much more damning than the footage we saw on television.

It was clear that the mob intended to execute Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, and other Democrats and Republicans who had dared to oppose President Trump.

And this is not an idle claim.

The QAnon website has spoken of the execution of Democrat politicians and even linked them directly to President Trump.

So the erection of a gallows in the forecourt of the Capitol building was not merely symbolic.

And the flag bearing the skull and cross bones is a symbol of death.

Trump had told them to "Fight like hell!"

And they did. 

Photo Credit: Getty Images.

Thursday, 11 February 2021


The right-wing political machine uses the media to trigger hate and prejudice against its enemies.

It sows hate in the unconscious.

And it lies about its targets.

These toxic techniques are modeled on the methods of Nazi Germany.

And they conspire with evil in our popular culture.

It is coordinated by right-wing think tanks and involves business and corporate leaders.

It also uses techniques from George Orwell's novel 1984

And it uses social media to spread its lies.

Its methods are evil.

And its intentions are malevolent.

They are the result of making money the sole purpose of existence.

And the belief that the end - which is right-wing rule - justifies the means.

Photo Credit: Blinkofanaye Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Internet Sex.

Many people in the Church have a fear of Internet sex.

The idea of pornography seems to horrify them.

But the reality is that many people are unable to get the sexual pleasure that they need.

This is particularly true of gay men.

So pornography is the obvious alternative.

And Internet sex is safe.

The Muscle Worship sites on the Internet provide a safe expression of sexuality that harms no one.

So rather than condemning Internet pornography we should welcome it as a viable alternative to the sexual repression that the Church has traditionally taught. 

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, 9 February 2021


In church we were asked to consider other churches in our area, other denominations of Jesus' Church.

The problem for me as an openly gay man is that in some of these churches I will be bashed, ostracized, condemned, damned, denied communion, castrated, exorcised, or cast out!

So uniting the Churches of Jesus Christ remains problematical for me.

Better to attend a church that is accepting and tolerant of difference.

And let the other Churches do as they will.

But that is not to say that we should not challenge prejudice and ignorance when we see it.

We should always have the courage to speak out against harmful practices.

And pray for them to overcome their fear. 

Monday, 8 February 2021


We are surrounded by invisible walls.

Walls surround nations.

Walls surround ethnic communities.

Walls surround families.

Walls surround individuals.

These walls are constructed out of fear.

And they are unconscious.

But God takes away our fear.

God's steadfast Love banishes our fears.

God is our loving Father.

Therefore everyone is our brother or sister.

God's Family includes everyone.

God's Love is universal.

So there is no judgement, no hell.

There is no devil to ensnare us.

Only God's Love.

Photo Credit: ChrisGoldNY Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 7 February 2021


The Wisdom teachings in the Bible: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Wisdom of Solomon, and Sirach from the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books would seem to be more worldly wise than the spiritual teachings of the Prophets and the New Testament.

They are more in keeping with the writings of Marcus Aurelius or Confucius.

And this does not mean that they have no value.

Their teachings about life and how to cope with it are valuable in themselves.

But it is the spiritual teachings of the Prophets and Jesus that instruct us about God.

God's providence is higher even than the wisdom of the world.

His mercy and forgiveness are infinite.

And His Love is unconditional. 

Photo Credit: chrisjohnbeckett Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Saturday, 6 February 2021


The work of rebuilding after COVID-19 is not just the implementation of a Liberal agenda.

It is:

Caring and sharing not blaming and shaming.

Making a difference not cold indifference.

Hope not hopelessness.

Humanity not inhumanity.

Selflessness not selfishness.

Giving not grabbing.

Listening not lecturing.

Encountering not escaping.

Loving not loathing.

We cannot afford to go back to how things were before COVID-19.

The time has come for change.

The moment is now! 

Photo Credit: The National Guard Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 5 February 2021

Gay Conversion Therapy.

Overnight the Victorian Senate passed legislation banning Gay Conversion Therapy.

The Bill received bipartisan support and passed 29 votes to 9.

The Bill outlaws practices seeking to change a person's sexuality or sexual identity with penalties of up to 10 years jail.

It also addresses abusive religious practices which tell gay and transgender people that they are possessed by the devil or going to hell because of their sexuality or sexual identity.

While this Bill is long overdue it will go a long way to healing the pain and suffering of all of us who have experienced conversion abuse.  

Gay Conversion Therapy is torture.

A person's sexuality or sexual identity cannot be changed by these or any other practices.

We congratulate the Victorian Government on this world-leading legislation.

Thank you. 

Photo Credit: Gay Liberation Network Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Wednesday, 3 February 2021


As we move into the Age of Aquarius we must be wary of the negative aspects of Uranus - its ruling planet.

The negative aspects of Uranus are: drug abuse, sexual promiscuity, rebellion, ageism, individualism, alienation, and agitation.

We must be aware of these negative aspects as we move forward into the New Age.

But Aquarius also has positive aspects which include: tolerance, open-mindedness, humanitarianism, charity, innovation, originality, genius, and unconditional love.

These positive aspects will become increasingly apparent as we move forward into the New Age.  

Photo Credit: Ana Paula Hirama Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Grown Up.

Hate is adolescent.

Love is grown up.

When we are teenagers we hate the world and we hate our parents for making the world what it is.

But it has been said that when we realize that our parents are just human beings like us then we are grown up.
Our parents had no more chance than we have had.

They are not to blame for the state of the world.

But it is when we love that we make a difference.

The bane of the world is a lack of love.

So when we love we are redeeming the world.

This is what it means to be grown up, 

Photo Credit: mckenziemedia Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 1 February 2021

Mixed Messages.

Growing up in our world we are constantly receiving mixed messages.

Some of these messages are from people wanting to sell us something.

Some are from ideological sources.

Some are from religions.

Some are from evil sources.

And some are from God.

But it is not until God opens the scriptures to us that we can discriminate between the messages that are of human origin and those that are from God.

The Gospel of John speaks about the way of the world and the way of God.

And the way of the world is evil.

God alone is good.

And His message is Love.

So do  not be surprised if things don't work out as you expected.

Many of the messages you are receiving are false.

Their motivation is selfish and their origin is evil.

Photo Credit: justgrimes Flickr via Compfight cc