Saturday, 31 October 2020


The unholy alliance between right-wing corporations and Generation X has resulted in corruption and evil.

Satanic influences have tempted those in powerful positions to exploit, subjugate, and brainwash the masses.

They use their media outlets and the Internet to spread their propaganda and conduct vicious hate campaigns.

This has resulted in the largest disparity between rich and poor in history.

And right-wing Fundamentalist Christians have been tempted to use their religion for political gain.

Demonization, damnation, shaming, and shunning of political enemies is common.  

It is evil.

And it is conducted in the dark.

But the fact remains - they have both succumbed to temptation.

Photo Credit: olfiika Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 30 October 2020

Ozzy Osbourne.

Generation X made Ozzy Osbourne a celebrity.

He had his own reality T.V. show.

But Ozzy Osbourne was unashamedly evil.

The rock band he fronted - Black Sabbath - were pioneers of Satanic rock.

So what are we to make of a generation who raise up openly Satanic rock stars as heroes?

I can only conclude that they worship Satan themselves.

And this is consistent with their behavior.

But everyone will deny this.

"There is no devil so how can there be devil-worshippers?"

But there are.

And Ozzy Osbourne is one of them.

Photo Credit: HoundCat Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Slave Labor.

I bought some t-shirts by a famous label but when I got home they were so poorly made that the necks were skewed drastically to one side.

I looked to see where they were made - Bangladesh.

They were produced in the sweat shops of Asia.

The worker probably had less than a minute to make them and received about 20 cents each for them.

We are benefiting from slave labor.

Not only do we get cheap goods but the companies making the profits out of them pay us dividends.

We might be able to get some of these issues onto the AGM agenda but they are always voted down.

So all we can do is speak out against corporate corruption in the hope that someone might benefit.   

Photo Credit: nakwoodford Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Turning Points.

1.  The Bible is a collection of writings from a variety of writers over hundreds of years.  Each text reflects the character and worldview of the writer and his time.

2.  The Bible should be interpreted metaphorically not literally.

3.  The story of Adam and Eve, the Virgin Birth, and many of the miracle stories are not to be taken literally.  They are mythology at best.

4.  The Fall/Redemption model of Christianity is bankrupt.

5.  The Traditional image of God as a punisher and judge of humans is false.

6.  Hell is out of character for a loving God.

7.  We are not to battle against evil but to lay down the sword and cry out to God for help.

8.  God is transcendent - beyond sin and evil.

9.  God's inmost nature is Love.

10.  The path to God is contemplation and prayer and love.

11.  God is real.

12.  Love God and love your neighbor.

Photo Credit: ideacreamanuelaPps Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 27 October 2020


You can't see black in the darkness.

Evil dresses all in black.

So you cannot see their evil deeds.

But the Light from God dispels the darkness.

And we can see the evil which lurks in the shadows.

Hidden malice and violence and fear.

They love the darkness for their deeds are evil.

The darkness hides their evil deeds.

They say: "Who can see us?"

But God can see them.

The darkness is as light to Him.

And He knows their black hearts.

Photo Credit: j-No Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified,)

Monday, 26 October 2020


In the huddle before the NRL Grand Final Penrith players were making the sign of the devil over their teammates.

This is graphic evidence of Satanism in sports.

And the Penrith players are not the only ones involved.

There are players in all the clubs who have sold their souls for fame and fortune and a rock star reception. 

And it is not just the NRL either.

Players in the AFL, tennis, soccer, and cricket are involved.

As well as rock stars, movie stars, directors, and authors.

It has spread through the media and populist political circles.

So be aware that evil lurks in sports and rock music.

And pray for God to deliver you.

Photo Credit: Northern Territory News.

Sunday, 25 October 2020


Technology was made for men and women.

Not men and women for technology.

Photo Credit: Waag | technology & society Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 24 October 2020


People have said to me: "Why do you continue to talk about sex?  Why don't you just concentrate on spiritual things?"

The answer to that is:

I may be older but I still remember what it was like to be young and virile and in urgent need of sexual union.

And I know that this is a natural state.

It is part of the human condition.

So I will not sell out to the nay-sayers.

I will not become prudish and repressive.

Sex is a natural part of life.

And we should not condemn people for what is natural.

Photo Credit: CharlesFred Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 23 October 2020

Corporate Boxes.

If you want to know who the people are who are corrupting our world you need look no further than the corporate boxes at the football.

These are the people who rule our world.

They own the sports.
They own the companies.

They oppress their workers.

And they take the profits.

They exploit foreign labor.

And they keep the masses down.

They use their influence to brainwash the public.

And they are in league with Satanists in our popular culture.

Photo Credit: AdamSelwood Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 22 October 2020


Despite the fact that we intuitively know that God has no gender, or rather that God has characteristics of both genders, the bulk of our religious traditions represent God as male.

This is compounded by the fact that there is no gender neutral pronoun for addressing God.

The Christian tradition uses Lord or Father on most occasions although there are some feminine images associated with God.

So our unconscious archetype of God is masculine no matter what we may reason consciously.

This is important because we must negotiate the unconscious to establish a relationship with God.

And if we reject the masculine stereotype of God we are rejecting our own unconscious image of God.

So perhaps it is wiser to allow both images of God to co-exist rather than enforcing one over the other.

So using He or Father or Lord is still a legitimate way of addressing God.      

Photo Credit: Lawrence OP Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Fear Not.

If the traditional image of God as a harsh judge and punisher of humans is wrong where does it come from?

The answer is fear.

When Jesus and the disciples went up the mountain and experienced the Transfiguration Peter, James, and John were terrified.

This was not caused by anything that God did but was caused by the disciples' fear of incurring God's displeasure.

Contact with the Divine can cause people like Peter, who knew that he was not perfect, to fear God.

But God says: "Fear not".

God does not act in the way that earthly authority figures act.

God does not punish us.

God does not judge us.

God loves us.

And it is His pleasure to do so.

God does not expect us to be perfect.

This is not possible in any case. 

Everyone will inevitably make mistakes.

But God does not punish us.

He forgives our mistakes and sets us on the right path.

So fear not.

This is Good News. 

Photo Credit: █ Slices of Light █▀ ▀ ▀ Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Fierce Creatures.

So what happens to fierce creatures in the next world?

What becomes of lions and tigers, wolves and jackals?

And what becomes of spiders and snakes?

My thesis is that these creatures are manifestations of fear.

They say: "Be scared of me".

"I am ferocious", or "I am sinister".

And people who wear t-shirt with pictures of these creatures or have tattoos of them are saying the same thing. 

So, if God does not destroy anything, what happens to them when they die?

I believe that they are transformed as the ugly grub is transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

There is no fear in Heaven.

And when the fear is gone so are all the ugly and threatening things which we see in our world.

This is why Heaven is different from Earth.

There is no more fear.

So you have nothing to fear from God.

God loves you.

And all will be well.

Photo Credit: mrandypuppy Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 19 October 2020


Evil was created by humans.

It is based on conceptual Dualism which states that if there is a God who is good then there must be a devil who is evil.

This is merely an explanation for the question: Why is there evil in a world created by a good God?

But evil in our world is the result of ignorance and fear there is no need for a supernatural explanation.

The only supernatural entity is God.

And God is good.

So those who deliberately practise evil in the hope that the devil will reward them are deluded.

Unfortunately the evil they do remains.

But God is One.

And God is transcendent - beyond sin and evil.

This is Good News.  

Photo Credit: Isengardt Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 18 October 2020


Why do Evangelicals in America call Barack Obama the Anti-Christ?

The answer is simple: political demonization.

Demonizing your political opponent was introduced by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s when he called the Soviet Union "The Evil Empire".

Reagan also demonized the Hippie Generation by calling them "unconscious agents of the devil".

This was because the rock stars of the 1960s and 1970s practised covert black magic and Satanism.

But it was not the Hippies themselves nor was it the left-wing politicians who turned to the devil but their rock stars.

Blaming the Hippies is blaming the victims of Satanism not the perpetrators.

So whenever you hear Evangelical Christians blaming the left for Satanism know that it is false.

And know that it is an example of blatant political demonization.   

Photo Credit: vpickering Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 17 October 2020


Instead of sex and death we should think of Scorpio as life and transformation.

Sex does not create death. 

Sex creates life.

And death is not a state, or a realm , or a kingdom.

Death is transformation.

Transformation into new life.

Just as the ugly grubs are transformed into beautiful butterflies so men and women are transformed into citizens of Heaven.

Photo Credit: judy dean Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 16 October 2020


God is not responsible for the suffering in our world.

It is not God's actions nor is it God's Will.

Our suffering is caused by our inhumanity to each other.

And our inhumanity is caused by fear.

It is God's Will that we love one another.

If we do this simple action.

Our suffering will disappear.   

Photo Credit: Thomas Hawk Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 15 October 2020


God works with imperfect material.

Were God to wait until everyone was perfect He would not be able to act at all in our world.

Because God works through people.

And people are imperfect.

We are works-in-progress.

Even the most enlightened among us is not perfect.

But God would like us to be as perfect as possible.

He would like us to be: humble, compassionate, forgiving, and loving.

As He is.

So we should not shrink from self-improvement.

Because self-study is a prime virtue. 

Photo Credit: Skinner.

(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 14 October 2020



When God touches our hearts and opens the doors to Paradise we may experience hindrances.

This is fear - either our own fears or the fears of others.

But there is only one thing that will stop us from entering and that is fear.

Photo Credit:

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

What's Wrong?

What's wrong with our world?

Not only is there not enough love in our world but we are actively cursed by evil.

Evil men and women sell their souls to the devil and actively tempt and curse us.

Rock stars, celebrities, and sporting heroes have turned to evil for worldly fame and fortune.

They believe in the devil and think that he can reward them for their low deeds.

They corrupt us and betray us.

But their malice is concealed by a sophisticated web of deceit.

Perceptions are controlled by image-makers.

And names are made and broken.

They admire Hitler and the Nazis.

And they hate God and His Church.

Their dream is to destroy God's Church and establish Satanism as the world religion.

This they do by stealth and sleight of hand.

So do not put your faith in rock stars and sports heroes.

They are most likely evil and want your soul in hell.    

Photo Credit: terbeck Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 12 October 2020


The violent and baleful visions described in the Book of Revelation were modified by influences within the collective unconscious surrounding St. John the Divine.

What may have begun as a vision from God was affected by conservative religious forces near to him.

These forces inserted judgement, doom, and violence into the revelation which did not come from God or Jesus.

This is why the final book of the Bible contradicts the teachings of Jesus himself.

Jesus' teachings were non-judgemental, non-violent, and non-threatening.

Something similar happened to the Buddha.

After his ascent into Nirvana the Buddha returned to the world to teach humanity.

And when he did this his thinking was influenced by the conservative religious leaders around him.

These religious leaders influenced the Buddha to return to teachings about desire and merit.

Thus subverting his message of love and compassion.

This is how the Good News becomes threatening and repressive after the fact.

It is not the will of God.

Nor is it the pure light of revelation.

Photo Credit: Jules & Jenny Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 11 October 2020


"I have persistently sent all my servants the prophets to them, day after day, yet they did not listen to me, or pay attention, but they stiffened their necks."  Jeremiah 7:25,26 (NRSV)

".....they have stiffened their necks, refusing to hear my words."  Jeremiah 19:15 (NRSV)

This describes the reaction of Israel's spiritual leaders when God sent His prophets to them.

And this is confirmed by Jesus.

"'For you built the tombs of the prophets whom your ancestors killed.'"  Luke 11:47 (NRSV)

So do not blame God when we are indoctrinated with false teachings.

Religious leaders have long preferred fear to love.  

[Scripture quotation (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.] 

Saturday, 10 October 2020

The Last Step.

The last step, when we have made contact with God and experienced His unconditional love, is to realize that all the problems we experience - all the hatred, violence, and rejection - are caused by fear.

And so it is true: there are only two things in the world: love and fear.

And perfect love casts out fear.  

Photo Credit: joe.(atruestory) Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 9 October 2020

Tragedy and Tears.

We carry with us all the pain and hurt we have experienced in life.

We hide our broken hearts. 

But God can touch this frightened child, this precious soul within us.

And tears will flow uncontrollably.

God restores our soul.

And we can live again.

Photo Credit: sum.drama Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 8 October 2020


Because rock stars emphasize the negative aspects of the star signs for each generation you are constantly being told to do all the wrong things and this brings out the worst in your personality.

Selfishness, hedonism, callousness, cynicism, violence, sadistic pleasure, judgemental attitudes, hypocrisy, destructive criticism, lust for power, materialism, blasphemy, profanity, hate, evil.....

All these things derive from rock music and entertainment.

And make no mistake this is quite deliberate.

Rock stars emphasize the negatives because they have sold their souls to the devil and his religion is a negative anti-religion.

They hope to be rewarded for betraying us all.

Fame and fortune and a rock star reception.

"Money for nothing and your chicks for free."

This is what they hope for.

But God brings out the best qualities of your personality.

So you will find God emphasizing positive astrological aspects.

Put away your rock music.

Put away your evil books.

Put away your dark movies.

Cry out to God!

And be delivered.  

Photo Credit: Indrid__Cold Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

St. Paul.

Satanism is based on St. Paul.

The idea that the body is the enemy of the spirit derives from the writings of St. Paul.

"for if you live according tot the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live."  Romans 8:13 (NRSV) 

"Who will rescue me from this body of death?"  Roman 7:24 (NRSV)

"For the wages of sin is death."  Roman 6:23 (NRSV)

"the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil."  Hebrews 2:14 (NRSV)

So (they reason) sex is in the death and the power of the devil.

So, if you want to have sex, you have to turn to the devil.

This is the basis of their reasoning.

But St. Paul's theology is based on ancient Asceticism.

It does not derive from Jesus' teachings at all.

Asceticism - the Mortification of the Body - the idea that to be spiritual you must kill the body is not Christian at all.   

Jesus never taught Asceticism.

Jesus teaching is the Way of Love.

And love is closer to the body than the mind or the spirit.

So. if we abandon the idea that the body is the enemy of the Spirit, and teach harmony of body, mind, and spirit, then the edifice of Satanism will collapse like a house of cards.

And we will be free!

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.] 

Photo Credit: Lawrence OP Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

The Death.

"And in the Death....."

"I buried Paul."

"Dead Flowers."

"Funeral for a Friend."

"Hell's Kitchen."

"Death Metal."

"The Evil Inside."

"The Devil Inside."

"Red Dead Redemption."

"The Dark Knight."

"The X-Factor."


Photo Credit: bluestardrop - Andrea Mucelli Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 5 October 2020


Rock stars, sporting heroes, and celebrities are obsessed with their image.

This refers to how they are perceived by the public.

And with good cause.

In reality they are nothing like their image.

Stars who have sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune are in fact agents of evil.

The image they project is of glamorous beacons of light, even heroes and messiahs.

But they are envoys of darkness.

They are ego-maniacs and predators.

The darkness hides their true identities.

They are evil and malevolent.

And their influence is poison.

Photo Credit: Nemodus photos Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 4 October 2020

The Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments are general guidelines for a good life.

They are not rigid rules to be punished if broken.

God is good.

And He does not punish us.

The first five commandments are about respecting God.

The second five commandments are about respecting others.

So Jesus' claim that to love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your might is the first commandment encapsulates the first five commandments.

And his claim that to love your neighbor as yourself is the second commandment encapsulates the second five commandments.

When the crowd asked John the Baptist "What then must we do?" he responded with exhortations to honesty and sharing of possessions with the poor.

This was preparing the way for the full revelation of Jesus - that is the revelation of love.

So the Ten Commandments of Moses and the teachings of John the Baptist are general guidelines for the goodness that is a pre-requisite for our adoption.

They were never intended to be threats or liabilities. 

God is good.

And He wishes us to be good also.

But the marriage takes place in the sanctuary - the heart of hearts - and it is a sacrament of love.   

Photo Credit: DrGBB Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 3 October 2020


I remember my brother-in-law quoting Jean Paul Getty: "He who dies with the most toys wins."

And he spent his life chasing toys.

But I don't think he was happy.

He left his wife and sold his business.

He was taken to court by a subsequent partner.

And he brought a Harley-Davidson motor bike.

He died at the age of 64.

Do you think this brought happiness?

I doubt it.

But many people spend their lives doing exactly this.

They buy the lie that material wealth and possessions will bring happiness.

But they don't. 
The only thing that brings happiness is love.

And our love is buried deep inside us.

It is protected by fortifications erected out of fear.

We have been told all the wrong things.
And those who told us this lie were acting out of fear themselves.

So do not listen to those who tell you that material wealth will bring happiness.

Material wealth, status, and fame are illusions.

They do not bring happiness.

Only love can bring happiness.

Photo Credit: Vonher Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 2 October 2020

Trade Unions.

Since 1984 we have seen the gradual decline of trade unions.

Generation X refused to pay union fees and gave absolute power to employers.

Subsequently workers have seen a decline in job security, pay, and conditions.

The time has come to return to unionism in the workplace.

Union fees are a small price to pay for a voice in the workplace.

Otherwise workers are powerless.

And employers will exploit them and force further cuts.

Our only hope is in the unions.  

Photo Credit: David Reece Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 1 October 2020

The Cry!

Who hears the cry of gay men?

Men weighed down with sickness and grief.

Men who are blighted with violence and shame.

Men who are told that God hates them.

Men who are told that hell awaits them.

Cry out to God!

Cry out in pain.

Cry out to God!

For your lovers are slain.

He will hear.

35 years.

But answer He will.

Guiding our souls safely heavenward still.

Photo Credit: hgomezherrero Flickr via Compfight cc