Thursday, 31 December 2020

Human Nature.

Why is it that the Old Testament prophets and the Messiah Jesus Christ proclaimed good news for the poor and the oppressed and John the Baptist and Isaiah spoke of lifting up the valleys and making every mountain low but the world is still the same - the rich and powerful oppress the poor and the corrupt rule the Earth?

It may be that it would be considerably worse if they had not but the fact remains that it is human nature to exalt yourself above others and keep your wealth for yourself.

From the time of Constantine, and even before, the Good News has been corrupted by power.

The authorities of the Christian Church became part of the ruling elite and changed the message to accommodate the State.

Christianity became a weapon of oppression to subjugate the masses and keep them under control.

So now God must renew His promise:

God's rule is benevolent.

There is no judgement and no hell.

There is no devil to corrupt you.

Human beings are corrupted by ignorance and fear.

But God is good.

His mercy and forgiveness are infinite.

His Love is unconditional.

And His Salvation is forever.    

Photo Credit: Wikimedia.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

A New Approach.

It is no use merely replacing one political regime with another.

If the motivation is ideological rather than spiritual then the result will be the same.

And that is a victory by force.

What is needed is a more spiritual approach.

An approach that embraces the concerns of both sides of politics.

A conciliatory approach rather than an adversarial approach.

But this is not to say that we should compromise our principles.

Some things are not negotiable.

And our reasons should be made clear.

One size fits all is not equality.

And this is because income and wealth are not equal.

Jesus said that you cannot serve two masters: God and money.

So the progressive initiatives so hated by right-wing politics cannot be compromised.

It must be made clear to the Religious Right that their hard-line anti-Socialist views are non-Biblical.

The Old Testament prophets invariably supported the poor and the needy.

They did not demonize them and blame them for their own misfortune.

The idea that the Right is good merely because it is right-wing is erroneous.

And the worship of money and power is bankrupt.

So abandon your Prosperity Theology.

And return to the teachings of Jesus.

Good news for the poor and the oppressed.    

Photo Credit: Greek  Reporter.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Universal Values.

All religions welcome the Light.

All religions celebrate Life.

All semblances of God are Good.

Honesty, Truthfulness, Generosity, Mercy, Compassion, Empathy..... 

These things can be practised even by the non-religious.

But the heart of the Ultimate Reality is:


Photo Credit: Redeemed & Forgiven Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 28 December 2020


The evil unleashed in our world by Satanists in the music, entertainment, and sporting industries is responsible for a great deal of the suffering we experience.

Life wasn't meant to be this hard.

The experience of God's Love, however, relieves much of this suffering.

It is characteristic of this spiritual dichotomy that evil creates suffering and good relieves suffering.

So follow God's lead and practise: mercy, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, and love. 

And relieve suffering wherever you see it.

Photo Credit: f_snarfel Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 27 December 2020


With the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius we will see the next step in the transition to the Age of Aquarius.

The miserly conservatism and denial of Capricorn is being left behind for a new vision of cooperation and hope.

Aquarius governs universal values so we will see the concepts of: Light, Life, Compassion, Forgiveness, Charity, and Love emerging.

And we will see a new commitment to the Truth as world leaders face the facts confronting us.

But it will not be until 2024 when the last outer planet Pluto enters Aquarius that we will experience the full reality and enter the Promised Land of Aquarius.

Photo Credit: Trey Ratcliff Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 26 December 2020


"Devils in Heaven"; "Hippies in Hell".

It's backwards.

And it has been since 1984.

Ever since the takeover of popular music by MTV and the rise of Generation X under Ronald Reagan the prevailing opinion has been backwards.

This is because Generation X and MTV embraced Satanism and right-wing political views which condemned the Hippies for their left-wing ethics.

Generation X were bad.

They made no apology for that.

So why should we listen to them about what is good?

They achieved their victory by violence and hate.

It was a victory by force.

But no one really believes what they say.

We accepted it under threat.

And that is no victory at all.

But as we begin to enter the Age of Aquarius the Light from God will show that what they said was backwards. 

A trick of the devil they supported.

Or a devil they believed in at least.

The verdict that they forced was false.

It was the product of hatred and revenge.

But the truth will prevail.

And the Hippies will be vindicated.

Because the Hippies' ethics were closer to God than the evil dominance of Generation X and the Phariseism of Ronald Reagan. 

Photo Credit: The Manic Macrographer Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 25 December 2020

The Festival of Light.


The Birth of the Sun.


Krishna's Birthday.

All these things celebrate the coming of the Light.

The world is a dark and desperate place.

We need the Light more than ever.

May this Holiday* Season see the light shine in our world.

Peace on Earth.

Goodwill to All.

(*Holidays = Holy Days)

Photo Credit: Darcie Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Thursday, 24 December 2020


We need to be more discriminating in what we watch and listen to.

Don't touch anything which is: dark, night, wicked, filthy, hate, or evil.....

But look up, look to the light, to: goodness, virtue, honesty, non-violence, peace, and unconditional love.....

Then you will be on your way Home.

Photo Credit: Jaione Dagdrømmer Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified,)

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

The Lights.

When we turn on the lights it illuminates both evil and good.

The bad news is that your favorite rock stars and sporting heroes may have sold their souls and turned to the devil for fame and fortune and a rock star reception.

But this is hidden.

Darkness hides it.

And it wears a mask of goodness and glamour.

They love the darkness for their deeds are evil.

So turn on the lights.

And see the truth at last.  

Photo Credit: PeterThoeny Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Love One Another.

It's simple.

Were we to follow the commandment of Jesus and love one another the world would be transformed.

And this is the basis of the Kingdom of God.

But our leaders prefer the rule of fear and violence.

They have no faith in the Love of God. 

They have no faith in humanity.

They preach punishment and penitence.

They impose debt and extort obedience.

They worship Tradition.

And they subjugate the masses.

This is the experience of humanity.

And the answer is Love.  

Photo Credit: giveawayboy Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 21 December 2020


Contrary to our expectation God does not administer Natural Justice.

God writes off our debts and puts us on the right track.

This is consistent with our experience.

No one is punished.

No one will perish.

We are transformed by the Love of God.

We are Saved.

Photo Credit: Dejan Hudoletnjak Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 20 December 2020

God's Love.

When we realize that we are loved by God we begin to feel more secure.

God is greater than any earthly power.

And God will help us in distress.

God's Love is steadfast.

His mercy is sure.

And His forgiveness is everlasting.

Photo Credit: Shandi-lee Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Saturday, 19 December 2020


Rock music, sports, and entertainment are infested with hidden Satanism.

Rock stars, sporting heroes, and celebrities sell their souls for fame and fortune and subvert our spirituality.

Their influence sabotages our spiritual quest, tempts us, leads us astray, and curses us.

Their purpose is to get our souls into hell.

But there is no devil in reality.

There is no hell to go to.

The damage, however, remains.

Negative suggestion, dark fantasies, fascination with evil, obsession with sex.....

All these things emanate from Satanism in our popular culture.

Bad, despicable, abominable, filthy, wicked.....

Buzz words propagated by evil.

Darkness. night, shadows, death, graves, skulls, snakes, spiders, rats, pigs.....

Images that poison our minds. 

And make no mistake this leads to suffering.

Drugs and divorce derive from its influence.

They alone account for untold suffering.

So do not take everything at face value.

Look beneath the surface, behind the mask, under the headlines.....

You will find evil there.

Photo Credit: Brechtbug Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 18 December 2020

Sex and Homosexuality.

God is not anti-sex.

God invented sex after all.

The idea that sex is the enemy of the spirit is in error.

It is a remnant of ancient Asceticism.

It was not part of Jesus' teachings.

The idea that sex is a sin and the domain of the devil is extremely damaging.

It makes evil desirable.

And it causes sexual perversion.

The child sexual abuse in the Church is just one example.

Neither is God anti-gay.

God's attitude to homosexuality is the same as His attitude to heterosexuality.

It is time to develop a healthy attitude towards sex and homosexuality.

The era of repression is over.

We can be thankful for that.

Photo Credit: Diversity Corner Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Thursday, 17 December 2020


Many people believe that you have to be tough to survive in this world.

A tough, hard attitude combined with cynical pragmatism has replaced any virtue or idealism as the recommended approach.

But hardness is not strength.

And cynicism is not a virtue.

To maintain an honest, non-violent approach we need to develop faith.

Faith in a benevolent God allows us to lay down the sword and cry out for help.

God will answer.

He will preserve a good and loving heart.

And deliver you from evil.

Photo Credit: mathieujarryphoto Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 16 December 2020


The right-wing political machine uses its allies in the Fundamentalist Churches to whitewash its crimes.

They conspire with evil to curse their political opponents and then manipulate the spirit in these Churches to cover up their evil.

They use religion as a weapon against anyone who opposes them.

They invoke shame, condemnation, judgement, damnation, demonization, and hate.

So don't turn to Fundamentalism as a remedy for evil in our world; their practices are corrupt and coercive.

And they will not lead to God.  

Photo Credit: StevenM_61 Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 15 December 2020


One of the tenets of Modernism is that economics is the savior of the world.

But economics is subject to greed and exploitation.

It has resulted in gross inequality, poverty, hunger, and suffering.

And it does not make you happy. 

Even if you're one of the winners.

Post-Modernism asserts more socialist policies involving the redistribution of wealth.

But the only thing that will save humanity is love.

Love overcomes the fears which drive greed and exploitation.

And it is love that makes us happy. 

Photo Credit: Wouter de Bruijn Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 14 December 2020


12% of the world's population go hungry while 1% of the population own half the world's wealth.

This is because of the conventions of our economic system.

Corporations exploit the poor with the consent of shareholders.

Information is withheld from public scrutiny.

Financial details are secret.

So we are powerless to stop these crimes.

And we benefit from them.

Our dividends, our profits all derive from this economic system.

The only hope is charities like Feed the World.

But economic justice is impossible while this system remains.

Photo Credit: trokilinochchi Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 13 December 2020


Good, saint, angel, light, non-violence, truthfulness, idealism, honesty, mercy, forgiveness, generosity, charity, compassion, understanding, humility, altruism, gratitude, humanity, universal brotherhood, unconditional love.

These are the things we need to counteract the flood of evil that has been unleashed in our popular culture.

The slow degeneration of our psyche has reached a new low.

Truth has become a casualty in the culture wars that have befallen us.

Ego, selfishness, bragging, one-up-manship, gloating, lying, dishonesty, deceitfulness, misinformation, intimidation, cynical opportunism, vice, corruption, ignorance, denial, hate. 

These failings have become the norm in a world immersed in darkness.

But what is needed most of all in these dark and desperate times is a good heart. 

Saturday, 12 December 2020


It has been said that the astrological sign which follows a sign is more advanced than the previous one.

I found this difficult to understand in relation to the generations with planets in Libra and Scorpio.

The Baby-Boomer Generation had Neptune in Libra and they were idealistic and peace-loving.

Generation X had Neptune in Scorpio and they were obsessed with sex, violence, and evil.

But the Baby-Boomers were naive and would not believe that their rock legends were evil.

Generation X on the other hand understood evil and could see the attraction of the devil.

Therefore Scorpio is more realistic than Libra because it understands evil in our world.  

Friday, 11 December 2020

Thursday, 10 December 2020

A Good Heart.

Rather than aspiring to spiritual principles we should be aiming for a good heart.

The love and understanding of the heart will guide us through the perilous waters of principle with common sense.

Where there is a conflict we should ask ourselves: "What does my heart say?"

Often this will mean putting aside some rigid principle for the sake of love.

We should always put the person before the principle. 

Then we will not condemn people out of fear.

Each person has their own story.

And it is not for us to judge.

So have a good heart.

And cultivate understanding. 

Photo Credit: Jon Haynes Photography Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

God is Good.

God is good.

God is honest, truthful, reliable, trustworthy.

God is merciful, forgiving, compassionate, understanding.

God's Love is unconditional.

And God's Salvation is Eternal. 

Photo Credit: Tomas Sobek Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Strong and Tough.

Many people think that you have to be strong and tough in this world.

The problem is that many of them seem to think this means violent and evil.

Turning to the dark side has become synonymous with strength and toughness.

Many think that strong means violent and tough means callous and cynical.

But this is fear.
Fear of appearing weak.  Fear of attack.

So turning to evil is not a sign of strength but of fear.

True strength is a generous and loving heart. 

Photo Credit: CelebMuscle Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 7 December 2020

The Godfather.

During the 1980s right-wing Christians were influenced by Ronald Reagan.

He demonized the left and the Baby-Boomers calling them "unconscious agents of the devil".

He also said that Christianity contained "unconventional weapons".

But Reagan was not the agent of God's judgement that they thought he was.

He deliberately used End Times expectations in the late 20th Century to attack and defeat the Soviet Union and left-wing thinking in general.

He was their Godfather - their patriarchal agent of vengeance.

But Reagan was wrong about God.

And he was wrong about the Baby-Boomers.

His tactics were to demonize his political opponents and then call on right-wing Christians to save them.

This resulted in a kind of brainwashing which he called Reconstruction.

It was basically a forced political conversion.

The left was demonized and the Baby-Boomers were forced to accept right-wing thinking under threat of violence - verbal, emotional, psychic, spiritual, and physical - from Generation X.

Reagan was not the kindly father-figure they claimed he was but their Godfather. 

Photo Credit:

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Naming It.

People say to me: "Why do you talk about Satanism?"

The answer is simple:

The hidden evil in our world has a name and that is Satanism.

It is the unseen adversary which fuels hate and blame.

It causes evil, corruption, and suffering.

But it is disguised as glitz and glamour.

So most people don't recognize it.

They look at the surface only.

They are blinded by the lights.

But it is not trustworthy.

It is treacherous and sinister.

So don't take everything at face value.

There may be evil hidden beneath.

Photo Credit: gameraboy Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 5 December 2020


How can we differentiate between ideology and charity?

If we are trying to force our ideas onto other people then we are acting out of ideology.

If we are genuinely trying to help those who are left behind or neglected or persecuted in our society then we are acting out of charity.

We should not try to win.

We should try to help. 

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 4 December 2020

East and West.

The God of Yoga and Eastern Religions is the same God as the God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

If we surrender our claims to exclusivity we will go a long way to eliminating religious conflicts in our world.

And a closer investigation will reveal that at the heart of each religion is the same reality - the Love of God.

And the errors of each religion resemble each other:

Asceticism, Good Works, Knowledge.....

Provisional theories based on fear and Dualism are all superseded by Love.

So the whole world is in the hands of a loving God.

And it is God's business to transcend these theories and establish His loving reign over all the Earth. 

Photo Credit: The Alliance of Religions and Conservation Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 3 December 2020

The Name of God.

To exalt the Name of God is to place Love above all other things.

Photo Credit: Moscow Theological Academy Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 2 December 2020


Many rock stars use backtracking and subliminal images to spread their message.

What we see on the surface is just a mask.

A mask of popularity and glamour.

Don't be fooled.

Look beneath the surface.

There you will find evil and treachery. 

Photo Credit: Armin Rodler Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

World AIDS Day.

December 1st is World AIDS Day.

It is the time when we remember all those who died of AIDS.

But AIDS is no longer a death sentence.

Doctors can stop HIV from developing into AIDS.

And, if treated, HIV is undetectable which means that you cannot pass it on to your sexual partner.

And there is PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) which is a pill that can stop you catching HIV.

So AIDS is over.

But gay men will not be free until the fear and hate inspired by the pandemic is eradicated for good.

And until gay is no longer a term of derision.  


Gay sex is not immoral.

Gay men are not demonic.

God loves His gay sons.

And we will all go to Heaven when we die.

Photo Credit: wuestenigel Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 30 November 2020

A Merciless Storm.

Generation X unleashed a merciless storm of hatred and evil against the Baby-Boomers.

But this was justified by right-wing Christians inspired by Ronald Reagan.

So they thought their evil was good.

But evil and hate are not good.

Neither are they God.

So when the Light comes from God their evil will be exposed for what it is.

And we will see that they have turned to the devil and to darkness.

Hate is the dark side.

And the reliance of the Right on hate is a reliance on evil.

So pray to God that they turn from evil and hate and return to God who is goodness and love.

Photo Credit: Henri.Galimberti Flickr via Compfight cc

Sunday, 29 November 2020


Rock bands and musicians who are pseudo-religious are likely to be secretly Satanic.

Rock stars and celebrities who present themselves as religious but create contradictory material are not the real thing.

Satanism in rock music and entertainment has been common since the 1960s.

They present themselves as saviors and messiahs but they are false prophets, magicians in the ilk of Simon Magus.  

So don't be fooled by a pseudo-religious facade.

Rock music is Satanic.

Photo Credit: The Quint.

Saturday, 28 November 2020


God touches our hearts.

And God's message is all about love.

When we love someone we wish them well.

We bless them.

And this blessing is at the heart of love.

Holiness is a refinement of this blessing.

So rather than being a rarefied spiritual state holiness is the most refined state of love.

Photo Credit: Adam Lai Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 27 November 2020


Love comes from God.

Some say:

God is Love.

So we should be centered in our hearts.

Love is the Water of Life.

Love is the essential ingredient.

Love is the Universal Panacea.

And love is the basis of our relationship with God.

So put aside your fears.

And open your hearts.

Love is the path to enlightenment and salvation.

Photo Credit: Phuketian.S Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 26 November 2020

The Living Planet.

Earth is the Living Planet.

The skies and the forests and the seas are teeming with life.

Plants and trees grow, we know not how.

Animals, birds, fish, and humans reproduce and multiply.

Insects fertilize flowers.

Food abounds.

Water rains down from the skies. 

Great rivers flow through the land.

Everywhere there is animation and life.

And we are part of this life.

The life that comes from God.

Photo Credit: Christopher Combe Photography Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

A New World.

We are now entering a new world that has a global culture.

We are now responsible for everyone.

The promotion of dialogue, tolerance, and peace is essential in this world.

I pray for everyone to embrace this new initiative towards global peace and prosperity for all.

Photo Credit: paulchapmanphotos Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Brothers in Christ.

They won't let you into their houses let alone their hearts.

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Monday, 23 November 2020


With the victory of Joe Biden in the U.S. Presidential election a sense of sanity has prevailed.

The insanity fed by Fox News and Evangelical Christian leaders has settled down.

A sense of reality is appearing.

Joe Biden has suggested a more even-handed approach to government that addresses the concerns of both sides of politics.

And this is in harmony with religion.

God does not favor one over another.

We are all equal before God.

And this equality is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

So do not be afraid to allow the other side of politics to express themselves.

We must listen to their genuine concerns but not pander to their irrational fears.

And work towards a constructive peace.

Photo Credit: aha42 | tehaha Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Don't Take Revenge.

Now that the Democrats have won the U.S. election we must reject the temptation to take revenge.

Power brings with it temptation.
And it is this temptation we must avoid.

In the long run Democrats and Republicans are equal.

No one should be disenfranchised.

This is the practice of God.

And, to his credit, this is the approach that Joe Biden has suggested.

So live and let live.

Speak out and listen.

We are all equal.

We are all One.

Photo Credit: andres.thor Flickr via Compfight cc

Saturday, 21 November 2020


The practices referred to in St. Paul's letters are not what we currently refer to as homosexuality.

St. Paul was talking about such things as temple prostitution.

And he asserted that such people were born heterosexual but behaved perversely.

This is not our modern understanding of homosexuality.

Most homosexual people will assert that they were born with a same-sex attraction.

It was not acquired.

Neither was it a choice.

It is how we are made.

And God made us.

So don't tell me that the Bible proves that God hates gays.

The Bible proves nothing.

God loves gays as He loves all His children.

And same-sex attraction is love.   

Photo Credit: Flickr via Compfight cc

Friday, 20 November 2020

Love is Love.

Homosexuality is love.

And as such it is in harmony with God.

"God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them."  1 John 4:16 (NRSV)

So do not refer to Old Testament prohibitions.

Many of these are superfluous.

They do not apply to 21st Century Christians.

Their understanding of same-sex attraction is not our modern understanding.

Homosexuality is not immorality.
Homosexuality is love.

[Scripture quotations (marked NRSV) are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and are used by permission.  All rights reserved.]

Photo Credit: Catherine Coden Flickr via Compfight cc

Thursday, 19 November 2020

The Kingdom of God.

The more people accept the One Living God which is Love as King over them the more the Kingdom of God will manifest on Earth.

If we reject the ways of the world which are: materialism, acquisitiveness, self-serving, toughness, callousness, ego, evil, and hate.....and accept the ways of God which are: mercy, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, generosity, charity, humility, goodness, and love.....the more the world will change for the better.

Because the corporate plutocrats are not the greatest power on Earth.

The greatest power on Earth is the Love of the One Living God who is the Creator of the universe.

Photo Credit: Ben Amstutz Flickr via Compfight cc

Wednesday, 18 November 2020


Many people think that Altruism is the meaning of life.

Altruism is the philosophy of putting others before yourself.

But a misplaced sense of obligation inspired by fear can result in resentment and bitterness.

It can create bad-tempered, nasty people.

Better by far to preach love of your neighbor.

Love automatically puts others before ourselves.

Love inspires compassion and sacrifice.

Love is its own reward.
Loving people are happy and content.

And those who love God experience joy and peace.

So it is love that is the meaning of life.

Photo Credit: Jeanne Menjoulet Flickr via Compfight cc

Tuesday, 17 November 2020


Many people are saying that they don't want things to return to how they were before COVID-19.

People want change.

But how will we bring about this change?

People are dissatisfied with the rule of Corporate Capitalism.

The sacrifice of everything to the god of money suits only the few.

Young people have no job security, no overtime, no sick leave or holiday pay, sometimes even no wages.....

The casualization of the workforce is a disaster.

We must elect leaders who will govern for everyone not just big money.

This is the change that people want.

It's up to us to vote for it.      

Photo Credit: Sarah Ross photography Flickr via Compfight cc
(The image has been slightly modified.)

Monday, 16 November 2020


The traditional Church image of God as a punisher and judge of human beings is wrong.

God does not punish us.

God does not judge us.

God loves us as a father loves his children.

He does not expect us to be perfect.

It is inevitable that we will make mistakes.

God will forgive us.

God forgives even the most heinous sinners.

No one will perish.

So there can be no hell.

God is beyond our concepts of sin and evil.

God is beautiful.

God is sublime.

God is all good.

God is all Life.

God is all Light.

God is all Love.

Photo Credit: afagen Flickr via Compfight cc